April 01, 2003

Live Human Shields Nude!

Something Awful has a novel suggestion of how human shields could be used more efficiently.

Tie hundreds of civilians and Iraqi prisoners to yourself, hot glue them to the surface of tanks and Humvees, and when that just isn't enough combine the protective flesh of hundreds of human shields with a mechanical exoskeleton to create a protective battledroid.

It's too bad Saddam Hussein has already been reduced to (pick your favorite):

  1. gobbets of dictator-flesh
  2. a nose hooked up to a life-support system
  3. an overweight, rather ugly woman named "Layla"
  4. Timmy!

What might have been...

Posted by Andrea Harris at April 1, 2003 12:29 AM

In this case, I think we really do not need another Timmy.

Posted by: Michael Lonie at April 1, 2003 at 11:12 PM