July 15, 2003

The ping's the thing

Okay, I've decided to manually ping for now, because I'm tired of all the pinging errors I'd get when I'd post from my site with auto-ping on, and also my new posts load faster if they don't have to ping every time. Weblogs.com's ping form seems to be having problems, but blo.gs and blogrolling.com's ping forms worked just fine. Now you'll see a little sign in your blogroll, if I remember to ping, anyway.

Posted by Andrea Harris at July 15, 2003 07:14 PM

I followed a link in the article you posted (above) about closecomments and stumbled across a fix for those annoying ping errors that takes about 30 seconds to implement: http://philringnalda.com/blog/2003/02/http_error_500_read_timeout.php

Posted by: Dodd at July 16, 2003 at 02:09 PM

That's all very nice, but I'm not sure I want to set pinging up longer so that it takes my posts even longer to finish loading.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 16, 2003 at 05:21 PM