June 09, 2003


That's the left -- or whatever they are, the Against Anything George W. Bush Does contingent. They don't have a leg to stand on. The latest evidence: according to Steve H., they can't even hold their own against Bill O'Reilly -- and it was three against one. (Steve H. also wins the award for Best Cruel Putdown. He says of Al Franken, concerning that dreadful Stuart Smalley movie, that he is "[t]he guy who wishes he was half the filmmaker David Spade is." Ouch ow ooh, that stings even me just reading it here.

Steve H. feels (well, observes and mocks), the pain of the left:

This reminds me of the left's sad attacks on President Bush. He hasn't screwed any interns, he hasn't bombed any aspirin factories, he's organized and disciplined, no prosecutor has ever narrowly chosen not to file rape charges against him, he hasn't committed perjury, he hasn't misappropriated the FBI files of his enemies, he hasn't sent the IRS to audit members of the opposition, and he hasn't been accused of stealing money in a real estate scam. So the press drops bombshells like, "His daughters have fake ID's!"

Not to mention all the "Soooo, where are the WMDs then, Mr. Smartypants!" accusations. You would think that at least someone would say that we are doing at least as good a job as the UN inspector team did -- better, even. You can't say that we don't have the wherewithal to go inspecting anything we please in Iraq now. But god forbid anyone point out the silver lining to the flea-turd hunters on the left.

Posted by Andrea Harris at June 9, 2003 03:25 AM

Is that why Mr. O'Reilly was reduced to screaming
shut up at Al Franken?

Posted by: Dark Avenger at June 9, 2003 at 04:00 AM

Hey I didn't watch it. Please note the text in the highlighted link where I said "according to."

Posted by: Andrea Harris at June 9, 2003 at 04:18 AM

Somebody needs to -- it just happened to be O'Reilly's turn on national TV.

Posted by: McGehee at June 9, 2003 at 05:47 AM

An opposition must oppose; that is its nature. The Democrats are the opposition at the moment, and ardently want to be restored to power. Therefore, they must oppose the GOP presence in the White House and its majorities in Congress. Dubya's Administration has given them no ammo to fire at him. That's to his credit, of course, but it makes the Democrats simply furious. And when they get furious, they tend to scream and froth at the mouth.

I'm enjoying it hugely. Naughty of me, I know.

Posted by: Francis W. Porretto at June 9, 2003 at 07:58 AM

This is from a BookTV forum from someone who watched the program, instead of merely "quoting someone". "It was funny when Al Franken called him on his lies. It was funny because he tried to do what he did on his show, but it just wouldn't work in front of an audience of people who may or may not watch his show, who are also the people who will be selling his next book. It was funny because for a change, he, like his guests had to take it when someone was dishing out the kind of attacks that he regularly dishes out. But it was even more funny because unlike O'Reilly's attacks which are mostly a bunch of hot air with no truth backing them up. Franken's attack was all truth, with well researched facts to back it up. O'Reilly exposed as the cheap two bit tabloid loudmouth that he always has been was priceless."

Here's another quote from someone who WATCHED it:
"I thought Al Franken was quite funny the way he got under Bill O'Reilly's skin. When he started off by asking O'Reilly if he can have a better picture of him with his mouth open for the front cover I started cracking up."

And yet again, from someone who WATCHED it:
"I loved when he started yelling a Franken, and Franken's response was, no you have to let me speak, "this isn't your show, Bill.""

Just letting you know what it's about.

Posted by: Dark Avenger at June 9, 2003 at 10:18 AM

Watch it for youselves. Franken's gun never cleared the holster.

"This isn't your show, Bill"? If that's a comeback, so is, "Thanks, it's great to be here." And it wasn't a joke. Franken was completely serious; he begged Pat Schroeder to save him from Bill. Franken did fine as long as he stuck to his carefully prepared script, but when O'Reilly fired back, he sat down at the end of the dais and looked whipped.

The left is spinning this as a Franken triumph. Don't let them tell you what to think, when it's so easy to find the video on the web.

Posted by: Steve H. at June 9, 2003 at 10:31 AM

By the way, take notice: Mr. Avenger is trying to tell you what's in the video--selectively--so you can draw conclusions from his comment alone. I'm telling you to watch the video for yourself, and I said the same thing on my blog.

That ought to tell you something.

Posted by: Steve H. at June 9, 2003 at 10:42 AM

It would be nice if Andrea had followed your suggestion, which she admits she didn't.

Posted by: Dark Avenger at June 9, 2003 at 12:17 PM

Hey, Dark? You are really starting to piss me off. I have what's called "a life," so I don't have time to go looking for videos of things I don't even bother to watch on my own time just to prove a point. I have already banned one of your IPs because you were a jerk. Don't make me ban all your other ones. If you don't like what you read here then there are so many other blogs.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at June 9, 2003 at 12:41 PM

Al Franken in funny
Al Gore is an intellectual
Molly Ivins is a populist
Eric Alterman is a great writer
Robert Altman is a great director
Michael Moore is a funny intellectual populist writer/director
System Of A Down doesn't sound like a garbage can full of rocks
Hillary Clinton is hot

Posted by: iowahawk at June 9, 2003 at 01:43 PM

It am dispatches from Bizarro World!

Posted by: Andrea Harris at June 9, 2003 at 02:25 PM

Actually, I do find Al Franken very entertaining. In an ironic sense.

Sort of like Mexican wrestling movies or Cable Access programming.

Posted by: iowahawk at June 9, 2003 at 04:46 PM

As they say, thanks for telling me something
I didn't know. I've not noticed any difference in my access from this machine, so I suppose you got one of the ISP numbers wrong or something.
If you don't have time to find out or know something you're blogging about, then don't blog about it. "It's just that simple".

Posted by: Dark Avenger at June 9, 2003 at 05:15 PM

Don't tell me what to blog about. It's that simple.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at June 9, 2003 at 06:13 PM

What is it with trolls and trying to tell everybody else how to blog?

I notice he doesn't seem interested in taking your suggestion on how to read blogs, Andrea. I guess he's into "freedom of speech for me but not for thee."

Posted by: McGehee at June 9, 2003 at 07:56 PM

Hey, it was just a suggestion. I have no power over what you do or don't do on your blog.

Posted by: Dark Avenger at June 9, 2003 at 10:24 PM