February 15, 2003

Grocery list

I never thought I would find a reason to go to Disney World again: some group of Israel-haters has this handy list of things and services that they don't want people to buy because they are either made in Israel or their manufacturers haven't joined in on the Jew-bashing. Let's see: I will certainly drink more Coke now, and I've always loved Sarah Lee's products... (writes list).

(Via Dawson Speaks.)

(Note: I rewrote this for clarity, etc.)

Posted by Andrea Harris at February 15, 2003 10:26 PM

I'm pleased that hemidemisemiwit posted the list; Sara Lee icecream (and those damnably calorific chocolate and banana cakes) are long time favorites, and if I can annoy the Islamofascist idiotarians and help Israel's GDP all the better. Win-win! I gotta draw the line at Selfridge's though sorry - nothing there fits me :-)

Posted by: RDJ at February 16, 2003 at 09:23 AM

As the daughter of a retired Coca-Cola bottler and a devoted drinker of Coke, I can now say with great pleasure that "Yes, Coca-Cola's plan is to rule the world. Mwha-ha-ha."

Now let's just hope they don't discover our alliance with the Hershey people and the peanut butter cartel. (Those are our secret weapons!)

Posted by: Joy at February 16, 2003 at 11:03 AM