Commenting Rules, and Other Rules

Okay people, it has become necessary for me to formulate some rules for this site. So I have cranked up Mozilla (because I am lazy) and conjured up this web page. So here are the Rules:

  1. To new commenters: your first comment is moderated. That means your comment will go into the queue until I can read it and decide whether or not I will approve it. So if your comment does not appear right away do not try to post it again. I am not, believe it or not, always at the computer. I do sleep on occasion, after I have ingested the proper amount of crushed Third World infants. 
  2. Comments will not be approved (or will be removed) if I find them rude, off-topic, irrelevant, or stupid. Then again, I may allow these comments. It all depends upon my whim. This website is my oblast and I am its Ruling Soviet.
  3. You must use a real email address when you comment. It will not under any circumstances appear on the site. This is for troll-control purposes only. Many people have balked at this and attempted to comment using "" or the like. Well, these people never saw their comments again. (Those who did slipped through my net. I am often in a hurry and have no doubt approved many comments whose posters used fake emails. I will admit I don't have time to send test emails to everyone with an email address that strikes me as suspicious. However, you can't be sure that I will not be on the ball when you decide to play that game, so I suggest you don't.) Anyway, if you use a fake email but I still find your comment worth mentioning, I will post something about it on my site -- I'll say something like "So-and-so used a fake email address, so if he wants his comment approved he must repost it using a real one." If no repost is provided, the comment will vanish forever into Deletedland.
  4. You may modify your email address with some obvious antispam device like putting "NOSPAM" somewhere in it. There really is no need to do so, since as I said emails will not appear on the public site. Also I do not send spam to people and only send test emails to people whose email addresses are suspicious -- i.e., "" But if it makes you feel better use the NOSPAM thing or its equivalent.
  5. Comment threads will not be allowed to descend into abuse or off-topic comment-thread hijacking. In other words, trolls-be-gone. Some people say that moderating the comment threads in this manner stifles the "free flow of ideas" or some such nonsense but as I am not really interested in the "free flow" of ideas, especially those that more closely resemble sewage, that is not really something that concerns me.
  6. You will see my email address under the "contact" section of the side menu. It is not a clickable address: to email me one actually has to open one's email program and physically type the entire address character by character into the "to" field. Or you can copy and paste, but you'll have to remove the spaced on either side of the "@" symbol.
  7. Occasionally I will edit comments, sometimes for small spelling mistakes that I think might embarrass you, sometimes for elements that irritate me or that I simply don't want on my site.

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