July 08, 2004


Reader Chris Murphy has cancelled his subscription to The Australian. For no known reason, he shares his cancellation email here:

We have decided to move to NSW, just so that we can get morning delivery of The Sydney Morning Herald. No newspaper is perfect, but the Herald does at least try to be editorially professional.

I just don't think I could handle any more stories about High Court junkets (yeah, right!) amidst Big Brother reports and gratuitous page three flesh ... or Thorpie in his budgie smugglers. Or read yet another column from some Yank fanatic from The Weekly Standard or other such trashy American rag. Not to mention our very own Skanky Ho.

And I'm certainly not about to punish myself, either, with Michael Stutchbury's push for fascism, especially as a federal election approaches.

In other mailbox news, reader Jennifer M. Lynch writes:

people like you make me sick.

You now most obviouisly smack of DESPERATION.
Trying any way possible to tear apart Michael Moore.
Credit the public with some intelligence, please.

You are panicking because your greedy, corrupt,
controlling, manipulating regime is over.

enjoy your time in those hot fires of hell !!!

Reap as you shall sow.


Posted by Tim Blair at July 8, 2004 12:57 AM

For no known reason, he shares his cancellation email here

Well... the poor dear wanted someone to care.

Posted by: Rebecca at July 8, 2004 at 01:20 AM

"Budgie smugglers"...? The rest is boilerplate.

Posted by: Matt in Denver at July 8, 2004 at 01:21 AM

Tim, I will say that Australia's tedious leftists are far, far less tedious than anyone else's tedious leftists. "Thorpie in his budgie smugglers"! And I do admire the energy of someone moving to read a newspaper more in tune with his prejudices.

Posted by: Otter at July 8, 2004 at 01:34 AM

I agree with Chris Murphy. Fairfax has the best sports & lifestyle publications and the bonus toilet paper sections bundled with them are just sooo absorbant.

Someone stupid enough to change cities to read a Fairfax paper is exactly the kind of reader they cater to.

Posted by: Craig Mc at July 8, 2004 at 01:57 AM

Jennifer must have been educated at the same school as Margo. But at least she said "please".

Posted by: gaz at July 8, 2004 at 02:25 AM

Man, what is it with Michael Mooron's supporters? They are fanatical in their efforts to email nasty letters to everyone who breathes a negative word about the guy. The quality of their letters usually reveals them to be idiots, so that explains how they're easily controlled, but they're so zealous that I have to wonder if they really are receiving directions from Moonbat Central Command.

Here's a tip, Jennifer: MM is a multi-millionaire with an awful lot of clout, or so he'd like us to believe. When people like you defend him in so hysterical a fashion, all that convinces us of is that (a) only idiots belive in Moore, (b) he's really paranoid and insecure, and thus urges his followers to defend his poor little self, and (c) his followers really know, deep down, that Moore's popularity is precariously resting on lies, and thus try to frantically try to stamp out free and opposing speech wherever they see it.

Posted by: Kimberly at July 8, 2004 at 02:32 AM

Ever notice how Moore's followers always emphasize UNUSUAL words in the middle of their SENTENCES by shifting UNEXPECTEDLY into all caps? It's like reading a frickin' Marvel comic.

Whom could they possibly have learned that habit from?

Posted by: Brian Tiemann at July 8, 2004 at 03:41 AM

"You haven't seen the last of me, Danger!"

"No, but the first of you turns my stomach..."

Posted by: mojo at July 8, 2004 at 04:41 AM

"Ever notice how Moore's followers always emphasize UNUSUAL words in the middle of their SENTENCES by shifting UNEXPECTEDLY into all caps? It's like reading a frickin' Marvel comic."

Hey, watch it! We do have SOME standards, you know.

Posted by: Stan Lee at July 8, 2004 at 04:45 AM

Well, Chris Murphy sounds like the kinda guy who has oodles of time to read (and re-read, and...) each edition of the SMH until the self-indoctrination sticks. Probably also explains why he's able to change cities just for a newspaper.

I must admit, seeing somebody refer to a newspaper with Margo Kingston at the helm as one that "does at least try to be editorially professional" is quite a laugher.

Posted by: PW at July 8, 2004 at 05:21 AM

Hey, Mojo;
At Drucker and Fourth she turned left. At Drucker and Fourth she turned .... left.

Posted by: Everyone Knew Her as Nancy at July 8, 2004 at 07:09 AM

The fires of hell, huh? Sounds like an okay gig - it'd be convenient for toasting bread, and you'd have plenty of Vegemite to spread on it because, well, it's hell.

Posted by: Steve Skubinna at July 8, 2004 at 07:12 AM

You are panicking because your greedy, corrupt,
controlling, manipulating regime is over.

missus j. lynch must've missed the bit about tim hailing from oz... i fail to understand how the bush administration, threatened by impending doom or otherwise, could be termed to be mr. blair's regime. is she implying that instead of a zionist cabal controlling d.c., it's been aussies all along?

this lady also seems to have missed the class where it was brought to students' attention that when referring to events likely (or, in this case, unlikely) to happen in the future, use of future tense (i.e., "will be over") is customary.

coalition forces must immediately deploy all available-air power & strike known leftist quarters w/ grammar book payloads.

Posted by: harm d. at July 8, 2004 at 08:32 AM

Man, what is it with Michael Mooron's supporters?

They're insane.

I'm working on a blog post that enlarges on this, but the first chapter of the introduction is now at 3000 words...

I wonder if I could find a publisher for How the Left Lost its Mind.

Only problem is, by the time it's finished and published, either (a) Bush will have won and the insanity of the left will be self-evident, or (b) Bush will have lost and we'll be in the period of smugness before that precedes the collapse. (cf. Chamberlain, Neville). (The Aussie election, as personally important as it is to us, is really just a sideshow in the Great Carnival of the World.)

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 8, 2004 at 09:36 AM

Matt - "budgie smugglers" = speedos. Also known as grape smugglers, lolly bags, meat hangers etc..

Any other names people know?

Posted by: attila at July 8, 2004 at 09:47 AM

Before that precedes the collapse?

Um, you know what I mean intended was trying to say.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 8, 2004 at 09:49 AM


Banana hammock.


"Give me back my pickle!"

Posted by: JDB at July 8, 2004 at 10:04 AM

'regime' is so 90's. i prefer the term 'junta'.

Posted by: roscoe.p.coltrane at July 8, 2004 at 11:17 AM

"Dick stickers"
"Major prize showcase"

Posted by: Yasonas at July 8, 2004 at 11:28 AM

The SMH ! gee, no tripe there.

Lets have a random look at the juxtaposition of hypocritical headlines for stories, giving them a 'special' SMH slant in a way that only the SMH can.

Firstly 'Allawi awards himself special powers'.Gee, I wonder what the inference is there. However, Michael Moore's interference in Australian political affairs gets a tiny "Cut, cut, cut - filmmaker Moore's call on Howard" no umbrage there, I wonder why.......

Posted by: nic at July 8, 2004 at 11:32 AM

Well, I think the reason Leftists are so fond of the word "regime" is that it's of French origin.

Personally, I'd love to see the term "Bush hegemony" used more.

Posted by: PW at July 8, 2004 at 11:33 AM

"Allawi awards himself special powers"

Is one of them the ability to cook meat with his eyes? I would like that ability.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 8, 2004 at 11:52 AM

So now we go to hell for criticizing Michael Moore? Just as well... I've always thought that being clapped up for eternity with the likes of Pat Robenson and Jerry Falwell would be greater torture than one could earn in three lifetimes of evil!!!

Posted by: Richard Blaine at July 8, 2004 at 12:08 PM


"junta" is very,very 80's. You need to conjur up the globasied/enron/haliburton/bu$hitler/neocon feeling of the time.

Posted by: Razor at July 8, 2004 at 01:33 PM

ok, i just checked the 'ole thesaurus. how's about 'The Bush Gang'? makes me think of horsies and guns and Dubya fightin' off the impending threat from the 'Kerry Cabal'.

Posted by: roscoe.p.coltrane at July 8, 2004 at 01:49 PM


You forgot Martha Stewart.

Posted by: Dean Douthat at July 8, 2004 at 01:51 PM

Atilla thanks for the, uh, heads up. I'm proud to live in a country so bereft of Speedos that there are relatively few widely understood slang terms for them. Here the slang often describes the Speedo wearer and not the garment directly.

Posted by: Matt in Denver at July 8, 2004 at 02:04 PM

Attila - you left out:

"budgie smugglers" = dick-togs

Posted by: kae at July 8, 2004 at 02:17 PM


"junta" is very,very 80's. You need to conjur up the globasied/enron/haliburton/bu$hitler/neocon feeling of the time.

I think the word you guys are looking for is "cabal". It's so Jooish, y'know.

Posted by: Rebecca at July 8, 2004 at 02:28 PM

Reap as you shall sow.

So I get to reap before I sow? That's a great trick!

Posted by: Varenius at July 8, 2004 at 04:43 PM