June 07, 2004


Cameraman Simon Cumbers has been shot dead and BBC Middle East correspondent Frank Gardner wounded while filming in Riyadh:

The BBC confirmed today that one of its cameramen had been shot dead in the Saudi capital Riyadh and that one of its journalists had been wounded. "The BBC has confirmed this evening that a BBC team has come under fire from gunmen in a suburb of Riyadh," it said.

More from the BBC here.

Posted by Tim Blair at June 7, 2004 01:35 PM

I'd like to think that the shock of being infidels worthy only of death would get the BBC folks to think twice, but it's more likely these deaths will be laid on the conscience of where they really belong:

George W Bush, of course.

Posted by: KevinV at June 7, 2004 at 01:38 PM

A case of death by friendly fire if ever there was one.

Posted by: Arty at June 7, 2004 at 01:41 PM

KevinV, you beat me to it. I was just coming online to blame America for this killing.


Well, since GWB's taken, I'll blame Ariel Sharon. Yeah, it's the Zionist Sharon's fault.

Posted by: Helen at June 7, 2004 at 01:56 PM

Perhaps the BBC will step back and think about the root causes. Why were they hated so?

[/cheap shot]

Posted by: Matt in Denver at June 7, 2004 at 02:01 PM

Shit, Justifiably pissed off at point scoring on Reagan's death and then comes the above comments.

Posted by: Gary at June 7, 2004 at 02:13 PM

Since Sharon and Bush have already been taken, I'm banking for the blame to be on the Neo-Cons...or the Zionists...same thing.

Posted by: Quentin George at June 7, 2004 at 02:47 PM

Guys... I just remember everyone getting pissed off at people badmouthing Reagan, so don't go ahead and mock someone "on the other side." It's still a tragedy. It pretty much epitomizes terrorist ideals, but don't mock the men. Although it's been pretty civil so far. You know you're probably on the right side when they are at least somewhat rational, and when that simple rationality is a huge difference.

That being said, why aren't attacks like this a reminder that terrorists don't care whether you're conservative or liberal- one's infidels who fight and one's infidels who don't fight back? When someone is killed by terrorists, I don't care whether the guy votes Republican, I hope that the terrorists get caught or preferably killed immediately.

I hope the perpetrators get caught. I also hope it gives the Brits a little conviction so the guy, and probably many people to follow, doesn't die in vain.

It is probable, though, that they'll catch the men who shot the cameraman, and then BBC will air something about how those terrorists who randomly shoot the BBC's employees are abused and humiliated unfairly.

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 at 03:04 PM

Especially when they miss Fisk and Pilger.

Posted by: Habib at June 7, 2004 at 03:16 PM

"Gunmen," huh.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at June 7, 2004 at 03:23 PM

Is there any ABC in Iraq?

Posted by: M Rintoule at June 7, 2004 at 03:38 PM

I don't think the above posts were mocking the death of the poor fellow involved, they're mocking the predictable responses of the left and the institutionalised attitudes of the BBC. This death shold serve to show that we are all targets, No matter how soft some people want to be on the enemey, the favour is unlikely to be returned.

Posted by: Monco at June 7, 2004 at 05:22 PM


What you said could probably be reduced to an apt slogan for this war:

"There are two types of Infidel: Those who fight back and those who don't!"

Sincerely, my sympathy to the families of the journalists.

Posted by: JDB at June 7, 2004 at 05:45 PM

I can see Mike's point (" ..so don't go ahead and mock someone "on the other side." It's still a tragedy.") as well as Monco's ("I don't think the above posts were mocking the death of the poor fellow involved, they're mocking the predictable responses of the left..")

I understand someone may view the comments as tasteless and in the same vein as those mocking Pres. Reagan. However, I think the mocking was more towards how the left would react rather than at those who were killed.

I would hope these deaths would help open some blind eyes to see that *Everyone* is a target of the terrorists. There is a war being waged against *all* of us.

Based on what I've read these past couple of years, I don't think any eyes will be opened. I think blame will be placed on the US and/or Zionists. If we had just sat down with the terrorists and understood the 'root causes' of why they hate us, all would be well now. Those who chose to believe a war was being waged and also chose to fight it are the ones who will be blamed.

Such are the strange times in which we live.

Posted by: Chris Josephson at June 7, 2004 at 05:48 PM

Another tragic case of friendly fire.

Posted by: Moonbat_One at June 7, 2004 at 06:23 PM

The BEEB in its arrogance no doubt reasoned that its projihad stance would protect it from attack!
So much for appeasement!
It will now have to consider sending Islamists to report on saudi events.
Hope the ABC will take note!
Check out the "have your say" section.
They're even printing posts calling the Beeb AL qaeda supporters !
Along with the regular blame Bush and Blair comments.

Posted by: davo at June 7, 2004 at 06:51 PM

It would be interesting to know the rate at which Western expats working in the Kingdom are leaving, and whether their employers are able to replace them. Probably unknowable, though, as Saudi govt bureaucracies would have no interest in having such info collected and published.

I'd think a story like this would accelerate the rate. "Drive-by" type shootings may be even more frightening to expats than "set-piece" attacks on compounds. And I reckon Saudis who would do this are increasingly inspired by similar events across the border in Iraq.

Having formerly resided in KSA myself, it'd also be interesting to know if any stories about these attacks on expats are published in the English language versions of Saudi newspapers (which are, or used to be, commonly available). Usually these published "negative stories" only about foreign (not domestic) subjects.

Regardless, with internet access & word of mouth I'm sure the expats will know. It used to be safe to go out and about on your own but if this keeps up, KSA will soon be depopulated of most of its Western expats.

The "Religious Policeman" blog (in English by a native Saudi) will undoubtedly provide a further take on this, one not at all favorable to the House of Saud. Though some doubt RP's authenticity, I think he's genuine.

Posted by: Paul H. at June 7, 2004 at 07:11 PM

I am no fan of the BBC, but Frank Gardner is an extremely good reporter. His reports are always intelligent, fair, balanced and worthwhile.I hope he survives. My condolences to the family of the dead cameraman.

Posted by: Julie Cleeveley at June 7, 2004 at 07:13 PM

I trained at journalism college with Simon Cumbers. He was a great guy and had a very sharp news sense. My condolences to his family and friends. What a waste.

Some of the comments on this thread are beneath contempt.

Posted by: Tom at June 7, 2004 at 11:36 PM

And I reckon Saudis who would do this are increasingly inspired by similar events across the border in Iraq.

For those of you looking for someone blaming America, I think this would be it.

Posted by: R C Dean at June 8, 2004 at 12:26 AM

i think it's truly awful these poor guys were shot. i hope that their coworkers may finally realize who is to blame and the nature of the enemy.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at June 8, 2004 at 12:55 AM

Oops, should be The Religious Policemen, caption: The Saudi Gazette is favorite...

Posted by: bkayel at June 8, 2004 at 12:57 AM

My condolences to Mr. Cumber's family. I hope Mr. Gardner recovers fully.

Can we call them terrorists (without the sneer quotes) now?

Posted by: Gary and the Samoyeds at June 8, 2004 at 01:08 AM

Having seen people shot to death, it is not something to wish on anyone casually.

That the deaths of these men will lead their employers to reevaluate the perspective through which they evaluate the situation Cumbers and Gardner were covering is greatly to be hoped.

That it will happen is likely a daydream.

Posted by: richard mcenroe at June 8, 2004 at 01:49 AM

Having seen people shot to death, it is not something to wish on anyone casually.

That the deaths of these men will lead their employers to reevaluate the perspective through which they filter the situation Cumbers and Gardner were covering is greatly to be hoped.

That it will happen is likely a daydream.

Posted by: richard mcenroe at June 8, 2004 at 01:49 AM

The BBC (and the ABC) follow editorial policies designed to extend the conflict in Iraq in that they do their best to undermine the legitimacy of the Coalition's role, and inflame Iraqis and other Muslims by projecting the US as an imperialist occupation force engaged in exploitation and abuse. Too bad the terrorists don't understand that they are killing their fellow travellers.

So a journalist died. It is naturally sad for those close to the individual but the fact is that the BBC is not Innocent in this conflict, it is a protagonist. Perhaps the killing will help the media and the Left understand that they will be the first to be exterminated when the Caliphate is established.

Posted by: Blindside at June 8, 2004 at 02:07 AM

Even Saudi "activists" are capable of providing a little comic relief from time to time.

Posted by: Jonny at June 8, 2004 at 04:32 AM

RC Dean, just to be clear, my comment about "inspiration across the border" was meant to evoke the image of Saudis inspired to drive-by shootings by seeing the images of successful ones in Iraq broadcast on Al Jazeera.

It was most definitely not provoked by a personal case of "blame America first" syndrome. Good Lord, to think I said something that may have given that impression.

If I were to be a critic of the war in Iraq it would be from the right of Bush, not the left. Knowing something of Arab culture/history, I am not confident of efforts at democracy being successful. The Arab opponents of democracy are too wedded to a culture of death, and those Arabs who might be in favor of it are too fearful of being seen as American lackeys.

Not that I can blame them, considering they are made the targets of remorseless assassination attempts.

Having got Hussein and sons, we should be moving rapidly to turn over power to the Iraqis and downsize. If democracy fails, I doubt if the next set of strongmen can be as "efficient" at their role as Hussein was. If the Kurds can preserve their successful autonomy with a small American presence, then we can justifiably call that victory. The Shia and Sunnis can get back to their traditional plotting and throat-cutting, if such be their preference, as long as they confine such efforts to themselves. If they no longer afflict invasions, Scuds, and chemical war gases on their neighbors, that will suffice IMO as a "win".

Hopefully the Bush administration is finally blundering into this course of action.

Posted by: Paul H. at June 8, 2004 at 07:52 AM