February 12, 2004


The innovative and challenging (and taxpayer subsidised) artwork of Gordon Hookey, previously examined by Evil Pundit, Sam Ward, and Bernie Slattery, is now reviewed by Andrew Bolt:

Most of the surface, in fact, is covered by slogans. Big slogans. Crude slogans. Ignorant slogans -- but slogans conforming perfectly to the chants of the bumper-sticker Left. Indeed, I'd bet you a boomerang to Ayers Rock that if Hookey wasn't Aboriginal, and militantly Left wing, the National Gallery of Victoria would never have shown something so crass.

On one of his canvases, Hookey has even drawn the British and American flags next to a Nazi cross in a grotesque insult, not just to those democracies, but to the victims of the Nazis.

Nearby, a platoon of figures just recognisable as Ronald McDonald hold bottles of Coke, in what must now be one of the most hackneyed images in anti-American propaganda.

In yet another slogan, Hookey accuses American, British and Australian troops of wiping out "100,000+ innocent lives" in Iraq, a figure more than 10 times the most reliable estimate of civilian deaths in that war to topple a genocidal tyrant. But what is truth compared to an artist's truth, however false?

And on Hookey rants. "Land rights now", "George Dubbah Ya is the axis" of evil, Australia is the "51st state of the United States". Even Stalin's court artists would have blushed to paint propaganda this artless.

Your taxes at work, Victorians.

Posted by Tim Blair at February 12, 2004 03:56 PM

Ah, Bracks' Victoria, ignorant one day and utterly tedious the next.

Posted by: Toryhere at February 12, 2004 at 04:21 PM

Perhaps Andrew could pick up a paintbrush and delight us with such works as "public schools are a breeding ground for politically correct thugs and other assorted low lifes who bludge off the tax dollars of dinkum Aussies (could be shortened to "thugs: a Bolt perspective in watercolours"), "Everyone who opposed the war is an anti-American lefto, pinko, homo, anti-family, anti-Aussie...you get the picture people".
What is good "Artz" is in the eye of the beholder and it is important to have a range of it to view, whether agreeable or not.

Posted by: Darlene Taylor at February 12, 2004 at 04:48 PM

What is good "Artz" is in the eye of the beholder and it is important to have a range of it to view, whether agreeable or not.

I agree. I just don't want to be paying for it. If its "important", surely he can do it out of his own time.

"George Dubbah Ya"

I believe its "Dubya". Someone should have proof read it.

Posted by: Quentin George at February 12, 2004 at 05:05 PM

Darlene, those views you've put in quotes are stupid, cliched, wrong and artless generalisations. Not unlike Hookey's.
Sigh, the dumb Left just doesn't get it.

Posted by: slatts at February 12, 2004 at 05:11 PM

lets be fair, gordo's 'art' is shithouse. if he wasnt 'aboriginal' his '(F)art' wouldnt be shown.

Posted by: roscoe at February 12, 2004 at 05:45 PM

Jesus, Darlene, that's a bloody great idea! I'm sure I speak for most visitors to this site when I say that any party promising to put my hard-earned tax dollars to use by promoting such fine sentiments will have my vote in a second. Until then, art that has merit only in the eyes of a claque of arts council wankers who are - to the eye of this beholder - sanctimonious, parasitic and thick-as-pigshit will continue to be funded on my dime.

Posted by: William Bowe at February 12, 2004 at 06:08 PM

Perhaps Andrew could pick up a paintbrush and delight us with such works as "public schools are a breeding ground for politically correct thugs and other assorted low lifes who bludge off the tax dollars of dinkum Aussies

It would sure make a change from all the usual lefty crap on display. Unfortunately I think Andrew has too much dignity to ask the pubilc to fund it

Posted by: Johnny Wishbone at February 12, 2004 at 06:18 PM

There needs to be some sort of public enquiry into how taxpayers money is being used in party political attacks in the guise of art. Why does the government keep handing out thousands of dollars to bludgers with little talent who's only merit (so far as the Left-dominated arts community is concerned) is their "correct" and fashionable antipathy to the politics of the Liberal party.

Posted by: The Gnu Hunter at February 12, 2004 at 06:31 PM

Gordon Hookey’s idea of "artist license" means a license to loot taxpayer money.

Posted by: Perfectsense at February 12, 2004 at 06:33 PM

I sent the following email to the Director of the NGV Feb 6. Needless to say I'm still waiting for the courtesy of a reply (although Andrew Bolt told me I was wasting my time; as usual he's right!).

The Director,
Ian Potter Gallery,

Dear Sir,

I wish to express my disgust at the display of a painting by "artist" Gordon Hookey depicting the Prime Minister of Australia and the President of the United States.

This is not art; this is clearly a political statement, and one designed to be as offensive as possible at that.

My I remind the NGV that as a Government funded organisation it has a responsibility to ensure material displayed meets certain minimal standards, including those related to politics, race, international relations and common decency, not to mention offensive language.

Whilst adult visitors to the Gallery will, hopefully, accept this work of non-art for that which it is - a blatant and offensive crude political gimmick - one must remember many children visit your institution, and I consider this work to be completely unsuited to juniors.

In case you are unaware of the manner in which Hookey treats his country of birth, I suggest you take a quick look at the following links:

Statement by Hookey

Statement by Hookey

Link to another highly offensive work of "art" by this person.

Please remove this trash immediately.

James Riley

Posted by: Jim Riley at February 12, 2004 at 07:45 PM

Darlene, the view that the value of art is completely subjective is as foolish as that truth itself is completely subjective.

If you'll condescend to look at great art, oh, by Giotto, Picasso, even Warhol, and compare them to this piece of hackneyed crap, and admit the truth, non-subjectively, even to yourself, you'll have grown as a human being.

Posted by: ushie at February 12, 2004 at 10:04 PM

Statement by Hookey

If you follow that link that Jim Riley posted, you get to the Linden Gallery. After viewing all six examples (including Hookey), I can only presume than Aboriginals as a whole have no artistic ability. Or is it just the state-sponsored ones?

Posted by: MDVega at February 12, 2004 at 10:51 PM

Probably just the state funded ones. It happens in the US, too. Native American art for sale is frequently unbelievably beautiful, if different than European derived art. The stuff produced on taxdollars tends to resemble the crap posted above. Funny how having to actually work for a living makes such a difference, huh?

Posted by: JorgXMcKie at February 13, 2004 at 01:27 AM

Darlene, did you have an actual point, or is your thinking really that stunningly banal?

Perhaps, for your second kick at the can, you could provide, you know, an actual defense of the funding of Hookey's work. Explain to us right-wing morons the artistic criteria by which such a work is judged deserving of support. Is it necessary and sufficient, in your view, to be a minority artist expressing opinions identical to those of the art gallery director, or should other factors (such as, say, mastery of technique) come into play?

Not that I expect you'll actually respond, but still.

Posted by: reg at February 13, 2004 at 05:39 AM

If the Aussie public-funding is anything like the US NEA (Natl Endowment for the 'Arts'), artistic merit is seen only in works that offend the general taste, attack Judeo-Christian beliefs, or celebrate various perversions.

Posted by: rabidfox at February 13, 2004 at 07:05 AM

"I sent the following email to the Director of the NGV Feb 6. Needless to say I'm still waiting for the courtesy of a reply (although Andrew Bolt told me I was wasting my time; as usual he's right!)."

Which part of your e-mail particularly demands reply?

Are you expecting "Thanks for the suggestion, I've met with curators at the NGV, and we have decided your points are completely valid, and we have removed the art/trash as you suggested"

You've made your point, I'm sure others will make theirs. By the way, have you actually seen the exhibition you wish removed? Just wondering...

Posted by: chico o'farrill at February 13, 2004 at 10:17 AM

I've seen it in the flesh and it's shit, Chico. You're too smart to let your left sensibilities blind you to that. A political message doesn't turn crap art into good art no matter what side of the fence it's on.

Posted by: ilibcc at February 13, 2004 at 10:29 AM

anything indigenous artists do is ipso facto wonderful.

anyone who criticises indingenous artists is a red-neck racists.

See crikey on this topic.

Posted by: Peggy Sue at February 13, 2004 at 10:50 PM

link not working:
see Crikey here: http://www.crikey.com.au/columnists/2004/02/12-0006.html

Posted by: Peggy Sue at February 13, 2004 at 10:51 PM