July 30, 2004

Its Like High School All Over Again

The real problem with John Kerry's requirement for a multilateralist approach to foreign policy isn't that the UN and France are corrupt, anti-American, and hostile to our ideas of freedom and individual responsibility. While they are both guilty of these sins these problems can, in theory at least, all be rectified. But should the UN and France accept transparency in their financial dealings with dictators, became respectful of America, and abandon statism for the rights of the individual, it would still be wrong for the United States to need their approval to act in its own interests. What John Kerry is saying is that the United States lacks the ability to decide what is right and the confidence to act on its own to see right done.

An America led by John Kerry would first want to see if all the cool kids in Europe and the self-appointed judges of what is fashionable in foreign policy at the UN approve before making any key decisions and acting to implement them -- and not just beyond our own borders! This may well be a consequence of John Kerry's apparent lack of bedrock principles. I do not believe that John Kerry hates America or that he blames America first for everything bad that happens in the world. But I do believe that he lacks confidence in the inherent goodness of America and the ability of America's elected leaders to make correct choices in foreign policy. Frankly, what I can't quite figure out is why he thinks France or the UN have any special ability in this regard, especially with respect to protecting the interests of the United States.

Because I have a daughter starting high school in three weeks I see examples of this kind of behavior all the time on a smaller, more localized scale. To torture this analogy just a little further I'd like to ask Mr. Kerry two questions:

1. If, as president, all the other nations of the world decide that the Jews and Zionism really are the impediment to peace in the Middle East, are you going to go along to get along?

2. If, as president, you learn that Iran plans to detonate a nuclear device in Israel, will it be necessary to get the approval of France and the UN before acting?

Posted by Charles Austin at July 30, 2004 04:26 PM


You should know the answer to that by now. Israel has no greater friend that John Kerry. Why, if Iran detonated a nuke in Jerusalem then John Kerry would immediatley convene an emergency meeting with our allies. Under Kerry's leadership I am certain that even France would condemn Iran's actions. Perhaps he'd use the tragedy to pass a new non-proliferation treaty.

Did you get that from his speech last night? I did.

Posted by: Martin at 05:46 PM

Charles, I don't see an email address so I'll comment here (I'm going to ping it too, just because I can).

I think Jeff Soyer's WWII Project could use a Richard Cohen too, and there's none more qualified than you (you're up to what? MMDCXII scourges now?)

Anyway, even if you don't get a chance to contribute, I'm trying to get some additional press for the project.


Posted by: Ken Summers at 12:53 PM