Pining for the Fjords
How to piss me off
I'm dining in tonight
Christmas is over
Recipe for disaster
Car nostalgia
Site news
Shout out
The Grinch '03
The Year in Quotes
Sex and the Sinner
Late-breaking news
Sitemeter sucks
Allegory versus Fiction
Talking Turkey
My head, it hurts
From the Sublime to the Ridiculous
The Scouring of the Thing
Lord of the Right Wing?
Pity Party for One Dictator
Blatant Blegging Bash
Too Old To Rock and Roll
Shoot Moose and Squirrel
Getting Tolkien Wrong Again
From the That Wasn't Funny Dept.:
Good morning, not-Vietnam
An early Christmas present
Is there anything left?
A case of the Mondays
That Cute Furry Woodland Creature Has Fangs
Life's Mad Pageant, etc.
Why I don't bother with the "official" news anymore
Slow-Boiled Amphibians and Other Strange Behavior
Domestic Bliss
Life Without Wheels, cont.
A Thanksgiving Surprise
Dude, Where's My Car? Part 2, Or: Cool Things to Do Now That I Can't Just Drive Off
Ah, Salam, no like 'em*
Middle Earth Review Online
My new best friend
Made ya look
The Prodigal does something-or-other
Unfunny papers
More on everyone's favorite subject
Kim strikes back!
When a fool speaks
By the way
UN shenanigans
Iraqi blogger alert
Back away slowly
Jesus, star quarterback
Be a playa hata
The grave's a fine and quiet place
Manly men re-redux
Murderer's paradise
Vegetables in cars
Bush = Sauron!
More on the manly man thing
A site for sore brains
Forest Trees Man Woman
Murder, he blogged
You say you want a demonstration?
The Semanticist and the Pedant
Blair update
Moan whine complain
Books for Soldiers
Troll for dinner
Home sweet home
Message on an imaginary tee-shirt
The Angel in the House and Senate
Rightwing film geek
The art of putting everything off
Greg Easterbrook, Boy Guru
Ghoul Evening
Throw mama from the train
Better buy fresh carnations, guys
From the water is wet stuff dept.
Another book to add to the list
The Angry Left Behind
The Glamour of Evil
Cowardly media tricks
The Revolution will take all major credits cards
The law is a ass
America sews socks that smell!
Pictures worth a thousand words
More on what the road to hell is paved with
How to make friends and influence people
They shoot horses, don't they?
Doin' the Martha
Your moment of zen
"Allah on line one on the white discourtesy phone"
DOSsed again
So you've got a... what is it again?
That Easterbrook thing
A new Iraqi blog
Hostmatters matters
Protest stew
Power to the People?
Why I am not a libertarian
Keeping them confused
test 3
Destroy all spam
Look who's back
Flying Pigs
Where is my mind?
Clouds in my coffee
Philadelphia Freedom, I don't love you
"Everyone looks the same when they're on fire"
Back in black
That old black magic
Just checking in
Come in come out of the rain
Join the cabal
Toys for Iraq news
Mystery solved
That Seventies feeling
Just another day at Blogville Senior High
Bush LIIIEEEDDDD!!!! Part D'oh!
An oldie but a goodie
Some cautions
Kicked across the Styx
I'm ba-ack
Spread the good news
Compare and contrast
Ignorant foreigners
Branding irony
Today's Florida wildlife sighting
A waste of pixels
I don't like spiders or snakes
False friends
The Price of Pacifism
Spies and their enablers, Part 8415637
Allons enfants de la Patrie
The Precious is ours!
The Isabel blog
Let there be love
Unwanted callers
Simple Minds
Let them eat cake
Something to crow about
Adult education
Art is cool
Mars vs. Venus
Change of Seasons
Lies, Damned Lies, and What Made You Think You Could Get Away With Lying Like That? Lies
Does this outfit go with my crucifix?
Your moment of... WEASELS ON CRACK LOL hahahahaha iä C'thulhu fthag'n
Look ma!
Blogspam or legitimate cry for help?
Please stand by
Thunder on cue
And another thing...
Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut
Death goes on
The Blame Game
European blinders
I'm too sexy for my hobbit
Smile and the whole world coughs up its collective skull
Color suggestions
Well that looks like crap
Colors clash collide
Clap on, clap off
Anger is an energy
Fresh words on an old post
Does not compute
Planes, trains, and September 11th
Looks like this is a job for Obviousman
How to be a stalker
What goes around goes around and around
How to hijack someone's comments
Troll poetry
The New Manners
Weird spam
Chivalry for all?
Priorities, people
Ken's In
The terrorists have another fan
Not getting over it
The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre
Seeds of our demise, part 79191
Bore to Pieces
Lord of the Rings images
The back of him
Things that make me go "argh"
Work notes
Gather, darkness!
Do not adjust your screen
Happiness in slavery
Why I want a comments registration system
Rules are for the peons, pt. 244788
Reruns of summer
An MT question
Internet Memo
Appalled, again
Public Service Announcement
Like, Oh m' gawd!
Newsflash: I don't know everything
Not drowning but waving
Dial tone
Waiting for Frodo
Fear of Flags
I'm jealous
Things to do in Denver before you're dead
The dangers of personal blogging
Naked old people
Melting brains
We wantss your votes, Precioussss...
Thou shalt not do one damn thing, just sit there okay?
Gasbag on Blogs
Drive-by blogging
Secrets of the South
The Gay Divorcé, continued
Reading between, under, and over the lines
Those Evil Americans, Pt. 78946545
Popular books
Love and Marriage
Stat this
They're on the move
And that's that
Don't even bother
Trashing the victim
Down and out
Aaaand... he's off!
I love trouble
Is the Pope Catholic?
I am the internet!
Surfacing briefly
Wascawwy Wabbit
Oh, one more note
And on that note
Everyone sucks but me
What's going on
It's all part of the Plan
Load up the trucks
Now for a word from our sponsors
Seeds of Our Demise, Part 8996
A loss
Deadlier than the male
Moveblog 1 Entry 5
A thought
By the pricking of my thumbs...
Moveblog 1 Entry 4
Don't go there
Toastmasters Toast
Sir, your drool bucket is full
AOLusers, redux
Did you or did you not chop down that cherry tree?
One way of doing it
Blog Valley High
Moveblog 1 Entry 2
Double standard bearer
My day so far
I see a new blog theme...
The day the music died
Trying to turn back the clock
You can't go that way
Movelog 1 Entry 1
Upheavals in meatspace
Headache Hotel
Crushing my head
Some thanks are in order
I say we start a club
Blogger distress signal
Paint it black
Now that's what I call service
Glam elf
I see London, I see France...
License to pollute
Everything that rises must converge
The NYT Steps in the Fetchit
Missing the point
Buzz cut
Life Plan Part 96214
Maybe I'll pitch a tent...
Addition to the site
Site stuffage
The Unnatural
Good-bye, so long, auf wiedersehn...
The ping's the thing
The Big Kaboom
OCD's Paradise
Donation updates
Site fix
Links problem
Art Thugs
Site announcement
Retro Stove
Let me see your ID
Day by Day hiatus
First new entry on the new site
Moving site
As the blog turns
Bandwidth problems
The Purple and the Red
My addiction
Possible future site changes?
The latest marketing trend
She's back
Music for the Masses
No blog is an island, or something
Fear and Trembling
Adult children, childish adults
Potted Author follies
Swamp thing
The end is near: sign no. 7845
Military syntax
Meals on Wheels
That grand old absolutely dangerous, totally meaningless flag
Crapping all the way to the bank
Dispatches from the Doldrums
Now where was I?
Going to the grocery store
Best quote on True Believers ever
Another reason to celebrate the 4th
Changes to the comments
Comment tard
Harry Potter vs. the Fundies
Full disclosure
The Campaign to Remove Fun From All of Life, cont.
This explains so much
Forget something, Monsieur?
Emyn Muil
Farewell cruel internet?
Allah will embroil them all!
I'm ba-aaack...
Must... flee...
Sunday fun
How the squares do it
Bugs, man
Radio killed the video star
Is it December yet?
New shoes
She's my cherry pie
A media moron complains
That 100-year-old dead white racist guy
Spam problems
Just fooling around
Some cosmetic enhancements
Stupid British Comic Book Guy
Paying for it
Oh, okay, one last bit on "bright"
Site changes and stuff
Upside the head
A bucket, kicked
Sing aschlong
Things are tough all over
Revolution Number 9
Turn that light off!
Starve them for our own good
I need a sleep charm
Patriotism vs. Nationalism
Sitting ducks
Me news
Hate mail updated
Up in the sky -- it's a bird, it's a plane, it's
Image search
The perfect man
The damage done
Thank you!
Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest
A sorry example all right
Real Tards
And now to bed
The world is not a pie
They laughs at us, they does
Bored now
Where has the internet gone?
Site stuff
Bills and other unsightly things
Jolly Green Giant
Do Androids Read Electronic Books?
It's not hip to be square
Stupid template problem
Pound of flesh
Site downage
Road warrior
That wild and crazy web
Alphabet soup, alphabet stew, fried alphabet--
It's a planetoid!
Your pretty face is going to hell
You're under arrest!
My own private Idaho
In a hole in a blog there lived a rabbit
All the little people
On blogfeuds and comment trolls
More fun at the Baghdad Museum
Cave troll
Bill O'Reilly on the internet
Trolls and other home invaders
More on the non-looting in Baghdad
Iraq non-looting update
Harrassment warning
Liar's poker
Birthday shoutout
We the Sheeple
The news they don't show on tv
Eden restored
Lock and load
I want my DVD!
Help for the Blogspot refugees
The Dignity of Labor
Wailing at Major Damnation
Wombats of Mad Delerium
And now for something completely stupid
Defining the dialogue
Oh... Kay Kay Kay
The original internet hippie
Rejected license plate slogans
Quips to go
Changes a-comin'
How to freak me out
Arthur Conan Doyle knew it
Rewriting the movies
Who do you hate?
Blogs over Iraq
Love makes the internet go 'round
Story Hour
Butterfly Dundee?
MTV suckssss....
What the fuck?!?
Dispatches from the bottom of the well
Now we've got a cantina
Big Bad Media
Why I will not be renting out Jerry Maguire
To run away from you, is all that I can do
Blogger identity theft
Cultural exchange
I see it's asshat week again
Orange Noir
Updates to the site
Out of the Closet and Back in the Closet
Politicians are like car salesmen
Paging Obviousman
Dumb Man Writing
How to do stuff
Congratulations to some new parents
Paint me a picture
Back in the saddle
Useless Nations
O sole mio
What I need
I promise
Rock star on the loose
The Wide Sargasso Sea
With friends like these...
Help a soldier out
Tricked-Out Hobbit-Hog
Movie nite
Well, heck
Thank you!
Memorial Day
Michael Moore's website hacked shock
The latest from Iraq
Quote of the week
Rhymes of Doom
Return of the King Pics
Birth, School, Work, Death
Freaky Friday
Not ready yet
And the band played on
Pity Party Cancelled
Free Floating Musical Angst Dept Report
Stupid people catcher
The Pendulum and the Pit
It came from the Eighties
Things I did not know
Important announcement
Can I just say one thing
Consume mass quantities
Movable Headache
What the hell?
Michael Moore is Ted Rall's Gay Lover!
My aching skull
Booger eatin' moh-rons
Movement of the Blogs, cont.
News on the widows of the Bali terrorist attack
Communication breakdown
I should not have read this
Michael Moore is fat
Fatass fact-checked
Cruel and Unusual?
If looks could kill they probably will
Goth not dead!
Movin' on out
Shout out
Sleight of hand
Shot from a cannon
Warm Featherette
Just one more before I go
Future posts
Late Nite Teevee Follies
The Matrix, Exploded
In the belly of the cod
TV Damnation
Bread and Nuances
Return of the King
The latest terrorist attack
Looking for Mr. Good-Baghdad
Another escapee from Blogspot
Fox on the run?
Who needs The Matrix?
Secret favorite song
Feel the love!
Bring back the blink tag!
I can see clearly now
Lush Life, Pt. 5681
Blue Highway
Well, hell
Where is my mind?
Eighties flashback continued
On the latest terrorist fun and games
Moore teevee
I don't mind you coming here, and wasting all my time
My only weakness is a listed crime
Anger is an energy
Cable teevee goodies
Note to the Metapop folks
Warning signs
British National IQ test
Of course I am
Art heist
Anti-gun, man
Oversexed and over there
Dammit, people
Infidels, widows and humans, oh my!
The Earth-shattering kaboom
Bad book alert
Gluttons for punishment
Blogs across the water
Two things
You can eat cake!
Mullah over this
Politically Incorrect diseases
New site look
The time of the manuscripts
Rock star
Livin' in the Eighties
Too tired to blog
Pour some sugar on me
They do it over there but we don't do it here
The open road
Spiceless vices
Irritation threshold reached
Architects of castles in the air
Drabble Babble
I have to say it
Who eats dead vultures?
Shout out
Oh look, it's a group effort
How to get banned
Word of advice
Celebrity (almost)-free
Pay for the funny man
So what did they want him to wear, a tuxedo?
Postage block
A piece of...
Since it's my blog
Radio Haha
A/C on
Chomp... chew... crunch... gulp
France and the EU
Loss of Appetite
Message to Texas people in the Austin area
Little Miss F**k-Up Update
Baghdad's missing treasures: the saga continues
You need to read this
Why, God, Why?
LOTR cast interview bit
Why you shouldn't mess with me
Media Bores
Dixie Cups
Nice Kitty
Bad Girl
Bombs hideaway
Too Old to Rock and Roll, Too Young to Die
Neener Neener, Hollyweird Fascists
Really non-PC title deleted
Pennies from Heaven
Stuff for sale
Foul Bawl
Die! Die! My Darlings!
If only I had known about this last year
Help meeeeeeee
Light at the end of the orc-tunnel
Il Dunce
On the difficulty of liberal deprogramming
Blogspot's new annoyance
Spleenville weather: partly hostile with a chance of maniacal behavior later in the day
Nothing's wrong with your browser
At last, someone who understand me
Just like the girl that married dear old dad
Public Service Announcement
My wine
Hollywood Hypocrites
Baghdad Museum looting update
Seeds of our demise, part 2,789
Story became legend, legend became myth
Blog alarm
Are friends ethernet?
Carrie Nation Lives
Another blogger down
Negotiating away the peace
This means war
Yesterday and Today
Take a pill
Stop, Speed Racer, stop
Good afternoon
Islamoloon watch
Chocolate-covered pissants
King Babies
A real, live princess!
Baghdad museum looting: drawing the map
Loud music for bad people
Free the Kiwis
If I convert, this will be why
Meme bomb
Anti-anti-semitism sematics
Timely verse
Not thug safe
Across the universe -- of your t*****s
My site and other assorted stuff
Why the Baghdad Museum looting wasn't stopped
On poverty of vision
Shoot 'em in the head!
Bizarre audio dynamite
My wine
No blood for pipe-weed!
Some are born to greatness
Teller plõksib
Shout out to Oz
Immaterial Girl
Pippin update
Disappearing Bleat?
Smell the Blög
Postwar Wankoff
This planet ain't big enough for me
Bones of Contention
Bribery/Treachery update
Freakish outage
Turn to face the strange
The War of Unreason?
Sign of the coming Apocalypse?
Don't watch tv -- watch our tv commercial!
More on Iranian Webloggers
Hobbits Go A-Hunting
Those who can't do, teach
Fun with Instant Messenger
Outrageous, Inc.
Exciting discovery
Happy fingers
Baghdad looting update
Stepping out
10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more
Give Peace Some Pants
More than a feeling
The Rules of Fisking
It's the stupidity, stupid
Scratch an actor...
Punk Rock girl
Two Towers dvd news
Florida nature
Iranian blogger/journalist arrested
I think I know where Puce gets his material
"Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out"
The ultimate keyboard quest, cont.
Pucism of the day
Shoot the imams
Alternative Weekly Blues
I love me, I hate you
Decisions, decisions...
Baghdad museum looting developments
Biological weapon of mass destruction
Lifting Iraq
Iranian blogs update
1,001 Things to Do With a Live Terrorist
The New FAQ
More on those old pots
Above and beyond
Just like prison
I have a new hero
This Old Pot
Seeds of Our Demise, Pt. 568
Tapestry of lies
Blogger gets sucked into TV screen
History's Prodigal speaks
How's about a hug?
Killing's a breeze
Down in a hole
Chirac's phone call to Bush
Blogspot blahs no more
Road Rage
Atomic Hairsplitting for Fatboy
More on the Baghdad Museum looting
Pippin passes
Just a note on a blog
Beneath the movie theater
Baghdad Museum Looting, cont.
Primary colors
How Hollywood "fights the power"
France is dreaming
Home and castle
Well this is interesting
TV Party tonight
Cake or death to Saddam!
While all the women came and went
This must be stopped!
Time is fleeting, madness takes its toll
How to make a link
Museum of Dead Ideals
Comments tidiness
Oh look, the site is different again
Aaagghh! Part 2
Florida wildlife report
Craven No-News Network
No, your eyes aren't bleeding
Changes to comments
Oh that's funny
Site changes
Smokin' in the Boys' Room
Now this is too much to dream
I'm stealing this quote
Dean Allen is Better than us
Paint it black
Lookin' at a thing in a bag
Kitty porn!
Hell no way, we won't pay
Delusions of poseur
They hate us, love Saddam update
PETA goes after Peter
Handout on Plagiarism
Compare and contrast
What's in a name?
You can't hide when you're crippled inside
Filthy Little Thieves
Can you see the real me, can you, can you?
The Long and Short of It
My newest toy
Music to War By
Fark unleashes WMD
An addition to the lexicon
Another blogger rescued from the sinking ship
Bloggin' down the highway
An admission
Your moment of Zen
A clarification
The horror, the horror...
Hacked Actors
The Blair Watch Papers, the End
An observation
News from the ex-hometown
The skull beneath the skin
Baht ahv cawse!
Wartime, uncut
By the way
Bloggers get mail
Dog story
Sugar 'n' Spice
On Going Too Far
Keep 'em burning
I can see!
They get them from home
The Blair Watch Papers
Darwin's delight
Mt. Doom Live! with Geraldo
Me so lefty
I don't like spam
Fables of the Reconstruction
National Paralysis Radio
New Clothes
Heartbreak Hotel for Bloggers
News from Middle Earth
So tempted
"Big Brain" Revealed as Pea Shock
Meat! Meat! arrgghh...
Another month is here
Live Human Shields Nude!
I listen to NPR
What I did today
1, 2, 3, 4, Iraqis really want this war
A blast of gas from the past
Pinups, then and now
Born too late
Okay, I'm gonna do it
I get mail
My new button
The fog of war news
The Darwin Squad
Back door nanny
Eye relief
Google this
Darkness at noon
Washed up
Did I type that?
So much for that PhD in Blogging
Stories for boys
Another one has been assimilated
Not a hobbit
Opiate of the rich and famous
Artistic or Autistic?
Make your own kaleidescope
End hiatus
Talk amongst yourselves
The Ignorati
Fear of maps
Too Much Information
The softer side of Rummy
An Announcement
Comment weirdos
Immoral equivalence
Badly-Drawn Boys
I turn on the tv
The mummy speaks
Lord of the Rings people gossip
Tim Robbins, humanitarian
Oh yeah...
Another thing on Michael Moore
Fametracker reviews the Oscars
So what is he?
Susanna is cool
Tasteless funny break
Sean Astin
Two views
Final Oscar observations
Best Writer-Smackdown Ever
Why am I doing this?
And then back to La la Land
Meanwhile back at the war
Oscarzzzz Pt. 6897
Michael Moore's acceptance speech
That's what we needed to do!
The joke's on the fat man
News break
We love you to peaces
I'm going to stab myself with a fork
You're damn right
So that's how they're doing it
Weird fashions of the night
The post that wouldn't die
I'd like to make this perfectly clear
American POWs executed in Iraq?
Oh, the humanity!
All y'all
Oh please oh please
Bummer, man
Married to the world: a rather laborious analogy
Kill the messenger
Support from the North
Power to the Sheeple
A parable
What. The. Hell.
And another
Anti-anti-war protesters
Shout out to some blogs
Pre-Battle Speech
Are you ready, boots?
A letter to Michael Moore
The Politics of Dancing
CNN -- Clown News Network
Captured moment
The girls, they love to see you shoot
The big kaboom
Class in session
The Whole Truth
A hopeful sign
My weather today
Iraqis in America
Sign on the dotted line
Life in a Hollywood movie
That intersection in Baghdad
Lord of the Rings video clips
Protest follies
Is this it?
5, 6, 7, 8, we are going to nauseate!
Supporting the troops
Who's bad?
Cliché update
Speaking of dead people
I see dead people
Stone Cold Ari
The Command Post
US too arrogant, Pt 693274
World Whine Web
Oh, okay then
Prima donna blues
How many pinheads can dance on an angle?
In the meantime
Annoying War News Clichés, v. 2.0
Gollum's Way
Matther Engel farts again
We want our MTV!
Style change
Bottoms up
Psychotic reaction
Sheryl Crow in her own words
Hacks of Middle-Earth
That Old-Time Religious Bigotry
Nerves like nylon
War of the Poses
They're crawling out from under their rocks again...
Crystal ball time
Monday blahs
A sensible celebrity
De-Frenchify yourself
Fareed don't like it
Stupid is as stupid does
Out of her tree
Say it with runes
This is not censorship
Mem'ries... all alone in the moo-oonlight...
It's not like losing your ATM card
No soup for you!
How to win friends and influence people
On the anticipation of gratitude
My humour
They're ugly, they're naked, and they're here
Grow old with me
List, list, o list!
Blog blahs
qui est plus de macho?
Silly War Songs
Stuff to read
Spineless wimps
Dixie Chumps
Chilling at Windmills
My futile campaign, cont.
Not too smart
Serbian Prime Minister Assassinated
The Home Front
Fun with Movable Type
Chris Muir interview
Release the hounds!
The Ungrateful
Sour times
Mother of All Bombs
This may bring Florence King out of retirement
One Caption Site to Rule Them All
Hollywood's priorities
Beware the Slymps of March
I'm a little tied up right now
News from my home town
Old/New World (Dis)Order
Grammar peeve
Fun with my site
Send in the inspectors!
How to annoy stupid celebrities
Get on your face and give me 25!
An academic look at Lord of the Rings
Do they not have editors at the New York Times?
For your consideration
I need a butler
My new web toy
The Un-Empire
Those ignorant Amer-- Europeans?!?
Somebody get me a doctor
Posting desert
Heh heh -- you said, "light saber"
Out go the lights
On a rail
A blogger takes time off
Am I black or white?
Virtual March on Hollywood
Truth in advertizing?
Weird preoccupations of the left
America the Beast
Doogie Howser goes goth
Kick the frogs
De profundis
Feel the noiz
Chrissie's Hynde End
From the depths of the log files
Celebrity shout-out
It came from the Seventies
There goes my diet
Little Steven's Little Ego
Switch it off
Part 2 of Spot the Evil Twin
Spot the Evil Twin
Die, meme, die
Make War Not Love
Something to Look Forward To
The Very Secret Diaries
Shooting your mouth off -- literally
The Unblogger
A question
You've got your peanut butter in my rant!
Some good news for a change
I've got your handbasket right here
This is unbelievable
A brief surfacing
Save the humans
Why are they so irritable?
Big, Fat Lies
A new feature
A great font site
Everyone gets to play in the snow but me
Traitor's Gambit
Gathering of the Clowns
The Failed Afghanistan Democracy
People not to piss off
Celebrity Death Match
Dumb Celebs
Pathetic crybabies whine against war
More changes
Site deletions
No, you aren't going crazy
A win-win situation
I hate the Belgians
Iraqis for the war
Why can't we deport these people?
Banned list addition
An Immodest Proposal
Noam Chomsky, Depraved Minion of Gibbering Evil
They'll never eat lunch in this town again!
Reefer sanity
Different strokes for different folks
The Prisoner
Not ready for prime time player
I'm down
Terrible things
Site business
The people's Republic of Oregon
Out of the mouths of babes, dept.
R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A.
High dudgeon
Peter Jackson on organ donations
Cry me a river
A web comic novel graphic thingy
Meanwhile, back in the real world
That's all folks
Album o' the year
Sheryl Crow and beyond
Eminem on the Grammys
Sucrose intolerant
Weird search entry of the day
British anti-sex campaign scores
Reality attack
Ghost stories
Here comes the vaudeville hook
The Biased Broadcasting Company
The Deadliest Meme
The Itsy Bitsy Keyboard
What Would Sheryl Do?
If it's Tuesday, this must be Baghdad
E. Nough explains
Love Train
Not an idiot
Doom of the IslamoNazis
Adults only
Like talking to a wall
Oil Refinery Explosion in Staten Island
Message to Osama
A Poet Dissents
Email woes
Who are these people?
Viggo's gonna hate this
Interview with the Hobbit
Sam goes to the movies
Tiny Bean
The wages of peace, pt. 2
Fear Factory
What's so great about the USA?
Dead-tree media follies
Clichés come to life, Pt. 9864
die, trend, die
Girls just wanna have fun
Wild kingdom
Are you ready?
The wages of peace marches
Instapundit is the Borg!
Divided by a common language
In their own words
ah, nature
Poets for the War
The last word
Seeds of Our Demise, the continuing saga
People with no lives, Pt. 2564
All the lonely tyrants
Time to smack some people upside the head
I need a vacation
Hobbit World News
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Crap, crap, crap, crap
Sour Milk
Most rigged quiz ever
Well that's one way to sell CDs
Reefer sanity
Grand-père knows best
Banned list update
A different kind of rally
I guess I should have used pictures
How many times do I have to say it?
MT users alert
The Opposite of Thought
That's it I've had it
Meanwhile, back at the abattoir
Iraqi Kurds speak
Twice exiled
Formatting follies
Stupid commenter slam
Imitation of life
Blog business
Scared to declare
Democracy for Iraq
Grocery list
Escape to Middle-Earth
Mutton head
Too weird to not be true
Eighties rejects
Same S**t, Every Day
Forget this month
Does the fun ever start?
Jesus Christ pose
Disease update
The upgrade has landed
In "Forgotten" Afghanistan
Music Wizard
Potty mouths
The Odd Couple
Uncle Sam
They aren't poets, and they don't know it
Too late to the bandwagon
Hollywood backstabbers
The US is mine, and it owes me a living
You just can't get good help these days
Caption this
Hey man nice shot
They can balance a bomb on the end of their noses too!
Message to Hollywood
La Cage aux Folles
If I had a rocket launcher
Eyes opening
I'm feelin' mighty low...
Déjà vu all over again
For no particular reason
Dear Viggo
Immaterial girl
Blog of the day
Oh what a lovely antiwar protest
Lifetime Channel Overachiever Award Winner
Twisted Fools
The Bored and the Shallow
American Empire?
I've invented a new word!
Black is the new black
Brave Hollywood
Ari Fleischer, Tolkien fan
Head like a hole
Most Hated
Gulf War II, the Gathering
Movement of the Blogs, Pt. 78454
Still tweaking
Fun with the site
Meanwhile, on the homefront
Wait for the big kaboom
Jumping to conclusions
More hell
Color me some other color
A blogger to the rescue
Stinking up the meme pool
History rewrite attempt no. 4785
Blog walk
Geeks Are Hot
Jest a minute
Spill the blood, take that cheese
Bowling for Oscars
Something special
Speaking of world domination...
Cold molasses
This is what hell is like
Will this go down the memory hole?
The Fine Art of Projection
The Eye has it
Evil alert
From the Reaping What You Sow files
Argumentum ad cooties
Mad as hell
Shrink to fit
To a Canadian Aviator Who Died for his Country in France
A belated thank you
Unilateral or Universal?
Quote of the Day
Put your clothes on update
Irrefutable and Undeniable
Spread the meme
Limp Greens
How to get on my bad side
Course of Empire
Me, explained
Love hurts
I hate people: update
Browser bake-off
Interview with the Vampire
Cruisin' for a bruisin'
What's goin' on
Bandwagon jumping
"He's not used them"
Politically Incorrect Hobbit?
Put your clothes on
War -- what is it good for?
SUVs have their uses
Buffy the Balrog Slayer on Krypton
Just my opinion
Book vs. film
Overcompensating again
He was only a grocer's slaughterer
Sulu speaks
Popup Blocker
Movin' on up
Quatloos, anyone?
Another one has been assimilated
Headed off at the pass
The things I keep
Scarey hobbit
I can't wait
Where have all the philosophers gone?
Everything's gone green
Ad Astra
Home of the Ghost Lords
Color changes
Just for today
Space Shuttle
Site stuff
Ego party for one
Can you dig it, Phil?
Sometimes you just gotta come clean...
Oh, you went there
Gratuitous Hobbit post
Naked Aussie skank update
Editor in the house
Going to the dogs
United we stand
We've got FTL rocketships too
Neat MT hack
All the girlies say
Going squirrely
Pinter-mocking update
Film from heaven, audience from hell
Fun with lard, and other ephemera
One peep to rule them all
The man in the back said everyone attack
It's Miss Harris if you're nasty
Takin' Retards to the Zoo
Reefer Madness
Murderers, Inc.
The circus has come to town
She thinks she's the passionate one
If only we used our power for good
There's a Fire Burning in the Crack of Doom
Movement of the Blogs
A new blog
Sick of it all
Blogspot alert
Never forget
Leave It To Uday
Opinion from Down Under
Whiplash politics
Takin' Retards to the Internet Café
Nature update
Report from Baghdad
For all you RPG'ers out there
Judge throws out stupid lawsuit, shocks nation
Dumb Poets Society
Cool web thing
One last cigarette
From the Has-Been Author Files
Stupid poem alert
Lord of the Rings stamps
Miracles of Modern Medicine
¿Quien es mas sexy?
The real reason there are no more hobbits
From the Pointless Grousing Files
Porno for Peace
War protests: what are they good for?
Ring a ding dong
Bizarre foreign customs
How to conquer your nightmares
Crippled inside
Designer Callout
Star struck
Communists and Nazis
A little elf magic
Rule Britannia
Peace crap
Save the Children™
A different protest
Whores for Saddam
Lies, Damn Lies, and Polls
Rock on
Ecce Homo
Wymyn of Middle-Earth
Called up
A most excellent smack down
Draw me a picture
FOTR DVD Easter Eggs
Florida freeze
Potluck for Putzes
Knocking Down Stupid Anti-War Arguments 101
Another British blogger in trouble
Lileks on Le Carré
No future for you
Bring it to me baby
Fired for Blogging
Don't let them eat cake
Girls, girls, orcs
Boobs tubed
Jesus built my hotrod
No more Mister Nice Guy
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Bore
Idiocy redundancy
R.I.P., Knight
Peace movement to Iraqis: you're not welcome here
Peace crow
More evidence that my career as a writer is doomed
Blogger closing up shop
A pundit's return
Battleships confide in me
Stupid in the streets of Teheran
Ring my bell
Analyze this
"What's that thing coming towards me VERY FAST...?"
It's about the oil
Tolkien vs. Modern Academia
Language geek alert
Nine to the bloggers, in their chairs of foam
Fresh blog stuff
Lord of the Rings, the Goldberg Variations
I notice things
To the moon
Great minds think alike?
So that's who bought up my cd collection
Early Oscar moans
Lord of the Rings: Chick flick
US troops in Afghanistan
Blogging, that new, 2003 trend
USA Today LOTR questionnaire
Note from an infidel
Precious fool
Bad Poetry in Motion
Joe Queenan, Prince of Darkness
Cruel and Unusual
Why my next car will be an SUV
Dance of the Luddites
It's Downtime
And we didn't have to do a thing
A gift!
Interviewing bloggers
Sad news
Meesa hates-a the thief Baggins!
Poor Tim's a-cold
Jack into the matrix
ROTK news
Website closure threat!
Voices of the people
HTML help
Live nude fools
Chop chop
Limited html now on
Massive attack
Helen Thomas is insane
Screw Disco Dan!
Operaman-a is okay-a
FOTR dvd review
Well, that didn't take long
One last word
In the land of Metaphor, where the shadows lie
It slices! It dices!
Picture this
Mud pies
Laws don't prevent crime
Moorcock and bull
Killing ground
I am the ruler of all I survey
The killer's admirers
Town vs. Gown
Don't blame Canada
Wear My Ring Around Your Neck
Nuclear Nostalgia
Take him for all in all
Rat Bastard
More Tolkien stuff
Food of the Gods
One blogburst to rule them all
Destroy all squirrels!
A Long-Expected Party
The Old Hobbit and the Sea
Authorian Tales
I was a Grade-Z Movie Star
Lord of the Snark
The Return
Shakespeare wrote
Stuff and Nonsense
Tolkien comment thrash continues
Collapsing Old Buildings
Tolkien on Tolkien
Death of the Imagination
No wonder it's been acting so crazy
Why I am not a conservative
Smarter blog
The Problems with Star Wars
The American Burqa Industry
Celebrity good guy
Thank you, Ancient Elder One!
Samuel Pepys' Diary
Language games
Yasser gets Arafarked
Yes, Tommy, I can hear you
Nothing's ever been the same since Wings stopped touring
J.R.R. and the OED
The Two Towering works
Meet the new blog, same as the old blog
Burning down the house