September 22, 2003

A waste of pixels

Oh look, another pointless load of crap disguised as a column in a pro media publication. Someone needs to tell the people at the Guardian (and every other pro pub) that there is no need for filler bits on a website like there is in a dead-tree edition.

Posted by Andrea Harris at September 22, 2003 07:01 AM

Maybe the Guardian should discuss the headlines from the British news – about ‘Madge’s Wrinkle Kickers’ (I think ‘Madge’ is Madonna, and she’s had a new facelift)

There’s also the Brit version of Ben and Jen, Posh and Beck. And let's not forget the Jerry Springeresque antics of the Royal Family.

The British like to point out how secular they are, and how Americans are overly religious. I guess Britain believes in their celebrities precisely because it doesn't believe in anything else.

That’s probably why Posh and Beck aren’t enough for the celebrity-obsessed Guardian. They need to obsess about, globalization, Americans and Bennifer too, as a way of filling their empty lives.

Posted by: mary at September 22, 2003 at 10:45 AM

"Our obsession with the minutiae of film stars' lives is a sign of troubled times"

Actually, it's a sign that things couldn't be better. Time was most people were too busy scraping out a meager living to care which jet-setter was screwing which. The fact that we have enough disposable time and income to bother ourselves with such frivolous rubbish is a testimony to our modern success. Hardly "the end of civilization is nigh" crap this idiot is peddling.

Posted by: Emily at September 23, 2003 at 04:41 PM

Well, I don't follow the whole Ben and Jennifer thing, but I think Europeans don't have any room to criticize us. We might swoon over certain actors from time to time, but isn't it Europe who has a huge love affair with David Hasselhoff?

Posted by: Brandon Dean at September 25, 2003 at 04:39 PM