June 29, 2003

Sunday fun

Early this morning I dreamed that I took the wrong bus, then got off the bus when I discovered my mistake, and as I watched it drive away to who-knows-where, I realized that I had left my purse, with my cell phone, all my keys, and all my ID and money, on the bus. I hadn't figured out a way to get my purse back by the time I woke up. Dreams like that leave me invariably grumpy and unrested, so I decided to roam around blogville. (At least I can't lose my purse there.) I came across the blog of Fr. Bryce Sibley. He has amusing links, such as this Flash thing cautioning the world about The! Whore! of! Babylon! As the good father says, guess who it is. Complete with cheesy horror-movie music and a picture of a rather cool-looking dame riding a neat seven-headed beast. Gotta get me one of those when the End Times rolls around... hey, I don't know about you sinners, but I plan to go out in style. He also has a link to the Mr. T haiku page. This gives me a horrid vision of a mass held entirely in Latin rap...

Posted by Andrea Harris at June 29, 2003 01:38 PM

Fr. Bryce Sibley’s assertion: the nature of religious ritual is syncretic, but only amongst Catholics? Pfish.

Then he parades a bunch of nice pictures (I’d like some of them, they really are good), and expects me to believe that similarity in form is a result of deliberate adoption? Really, I loved the one equating the a bishop’s shepherd’s crook to a serpent. And the Mayan influence on the Cathollic church? Whoo . . . Why bother with documented history; aspersions are so much more fun!

I couldn’t tell? Is he serious?

I guess since Protestant services can be traced to Catholic ones, that means they’re actually pagan rituals?

Oh, it would be funny if it didn’t hurt so much . . .

Whether or not it is satire, this test should always be applied. Have a good Sunday!

Posted by: Daniel Morris at June 29, 2003 at 04:17 PM

Wow, it sure feels good to be damned! My favorite phrase today has to be "Wafer-god of Babylon". Just one small problem though, the background music is very reminescent of the Final Fantasy Role-Playing games I am very familiar with. Those games (Japanese in origin) feature Japanese and other pagan gods prominently. Does this mean they worship pagan gods? By association and pure coincidence, I proclaim it to be true! Come my fellow pagans, let us gather our sheep-skin leggings, the PAGAN ritual starts in an hour.

Posted by: bnoury at June 29, 2003 at 04:29 PM

Uh, Dan? The Whore of Babylon thing? That's not Fr. Sibley. Generally when you see something that's Catholic-bashing, it's some fringie offshoot of a fundamentalist sect that is much more likely to call its clergy "Reverend" rather than "Father."

<resisting the urge to reach through the Internet and throttle the umpteenth deserving person I've encountered today>

Posted by: McGehee at June 29, 2003 at 04:35 PM

I was disappointed that there weren't more scenes featuring the whore.

She looked pretty hot.

Posted by: Nick at June 29, 2003 at 06:51 PM

Repeat after me: a blog is not its links, a blog is not its links, a blog is not...

Posted by: Andrea Harris at June 29, 2003 at 07:32 PM

Sorry, it’s the brain damage thing. I’ll try and pay more attention.

Posted by: Daniel Morris at June 29, 2003 at 11:38 PM

One time I took the wrong bus home from the University and had to walk about 6 miles to get home. I paid a little more attention to the bus numbers after that.

Posted by: Robin Goodfellow at July 2, 2003 at 09:13 PM

P.S. That's the cheeziest damn flash ever. I could pull better flash out of my ass (and have) and I am by no means even remotely good or experienced at it.

Posted by: Robin Goodfellow at July 2, 2003 at 09:15 PM