April 28, 2003

Chocolate-covered pissants

Bleeding Brain has a solution to the Belgians and their support (or coercion) of some Iraqis' little "putting General Franks on trial for warcrimes" game:

The carpet bombing of Brussels followed by the carpet re-bombing of Brussels and finally, a targeted bombing of Brussels to knock down any stubborn spires that remain standing.

Sounds good to me. I've already been there, and my dad went about three years later. When I was there, everything was the fuck closed because of some Saint Wipe-Arse day (it was Tuesday). When my dad went, again everything was closed because of some Saint Wipe-Arse day. And then they lost his luggage on the train from Brussels or Antwerp or wherever the hell it was, so he had to arrive in Copenhagen (or wherever, some other Euro-ville) stinky and wrinkled. Blow 'em off the map if they squeak.

(Via Acidman. There, I'm reading!)

Posted by Andrea Harris at April 28, 2003 08:42 PM

Hey, I like Brussels. It's Belgian politicians who are truly lower than pond scum (and even than other politicians), not most of the people. Don't bomb my city full of memories of hanging on the Grand' Place, eating frites (avec mayonnaise ou samourai sauce), drinking Belgian beer (nectar of the gods) and smoking Cuban cigars. Perhaps we can fill French-speaking Europe with Italians instead, and then give the rest of Belgium back to Holland?

Posted by: David Jaroslav at April 29, 2003 at 10:00 AM

I say we should totally and completely ignore the irrelevant Belgians. If they try to arrest any of our people, then we take the appropriate action, up to and including "regime change" in Belgium.

We should also move NATO headquarters our of Belgium. Screw the chocolate mini-weasels!

Posted by: BarCodeKing at April 29, 2003 at 11:19 AM

Mmmmmm...chocolate mini-weasels! Made of Belgian chocolate, no less.

I totally agree about moving NATO to someplace more hospitable: someplace suggested Warsaw, and I think that's a good tribute to our Polish allies who actually fought alongside us in Iraq (although, funny, I thought that's what allies did). That's NATO's civilian offices, but there's also SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powes Europe), the European military HQ (as opposed to SACLANT, the North American military HQ, which is in Virginia), which was kicked out of France by De Gaulle and now is at Mons, south of Brussels. Send that to Poland also, or maybe to the UK?

Posted by: David Jaroslav at April 29, 2003 at 11:40 AM

The carpet bombing could serve the additional purpose of getting rid of all those pesky dumb bombs in the inventory. Toward that end, we should make sure we use nearly all of them.

Posted by: David Perron at April 29, 2003 at 12:34 PM

I say file complaints against the lawyer with the bar association - here's how


Posted by: Br'er Juan at April 29, 2003 at 04:15 PM