April 14, 2003

How Hollywood "fights the power"

Here's an explanation of why so many Hollywood celebrities are antiwar, from a Hollywood insider. Sounds reasonable to me. And note the juicy tidbit about Germany and France, those American-culture-despisers.

One commenter asked: "What about the audience?" I think we all know what most of Hollywood thinks about the people for whom all these movies and shows are being produced: terms like "cattle" and "submen" come to mind.

Posted by Andrea Harris at April 14, 2003 08:58 PM

"Germany and France, those American-culture-despisers".

Not really. Germans and French eat at least as often at McDonald's as Americans do (myself included) and watch American movies all the time.

It's mostly the self-appointed elites that hate American culture; nobody likes competition.

Posted by: Ralf Goergens at April 15, 2003 at 02:27 PM