April 14, 2003

Comments tidiness

Well okay! I used this nifty little script to close all my comments on both blogs that are older than thirty days. So don't try posting to something from back in February, because you won't be able to. I am debating, actually, whether or not to set the comments to close at fifteen days, or maybe even a week. It's not as if many people are posting to anything that runs off the main page; but at least this will cut down on any possible future troll fights. (You need your blog set up to use the mysql database to use the script, and also your server must have php installed.)

Posted by Andrea Harris at April 14, 2003 01:18 AM

Sounds like something Charles Johnson did over at Little Green Footballs. He was getting undue troll infestations on essentially dead threads. Of course he's had more than his share on live threads lately too.

Posted by: NTropy at April 14, 2003 at 02:36 AM

But then you won't have the pleasure of knowing that one of your posts from 3 weeks ago is still riling up the Frogs. Like my French Boycott post. It is a bit scary to learn that its top 5 on Google when you type in the words "French Boycott."

LGF, needed the bandwidth.

Posted by: Andrew Ian Castel-Dodge at April 14, 2003 at 02:59 PM

Feh. Let them be riled. I need the bandwidth too, basically -- I only have a limited amount, as well as server space, and I plan to put other things on my site besides entries on my blog.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at April 14, 2003 at 05:02 PM