April 09, 2003

They hate us, love Saddam update

Oh, they hate us all right:

(Photo source.) Via Instapundit. More hate can be seen in Donald Sensing's teevee screen captures. Don't forget to snag the video of Saddam's statue being pulled down! I'm sure the peace creeps will think of some way to spin this into a disaster, though.

Posted by Andrea Harris at April 9, 2003 01:05 PM

They already have spun this as disaster - saying we still can never succeed because Iraqis will never forgive us for the thousands of Iraqi soldiers killed or wounded, and Iraq will join in with our other implacable foes.

Namely all those countries which tried to use the UN to keep Hussein in power and were calling for cease-fire and deals as late as this morning.

Posted by: John Anderson at April 9, 2003 at 05:53 PM