March 21, 2003

Iraqis in America

Here's a transcript of some reactions of Iraqis in America to the war in Iraq. I don't think they'll be donning puppet heads or throwing up on the sidewalk for Saddam any time soon:

Many of these Iraqi-Americans fled after persecution from the regime of Saddam Hussein, and have worked to dismantle that regime ever since. Here, the president's ultimatum brought cheers. (Applause) Activist Emad Dhia was especially pleased.

Via Instapundit. Glenn wonders where stories like this were before the war started. So do I. Sure, you'd get the occasional interview snippet with an Iraqi exile in favor of regime change or talking about the misery of life in Iraq, but mostly the stories were from a "these poor victims" angle. There was scarcely a hint anywhere that Iraqis could be considered independent actors in their own right. Better to keep them penned in the Helpless Brown Victim corral.

Posted by Andrea Harris at March 21, 2003 11:05 AM

It's a damned shame we didn't take out Saddam and his Ba'athist thugs 12 years ago. Better late than never, I hope, but if we had not been so multilateral and concerned with stability then, tens of thousands of people would still be alive who are dead now. Dugout Doug was right, there is no substitute for victory. I hope Bush 43 and his people remember that.

Posted by: Michael Lonie at March 22, 2003 at 12:21 AM