March 08, 2003

Heh heh -- you said, "light saber"

Now it can be told: Star Wars is really an allegorical tale of coming to terms with homosexuality.

Posted by Andrea Harris at March 8, 2003 09:00 AM

Well, that was silly. Where did he get that?

Everybody knows that C3PO represents Capitalist Banking Interests and R2 is a suppository.

Posted by: Ken Summers at March 8, 2003 at 11:24 AM

He didn't explain the Jawas, or Jabba the Hutt. And what about the shape of the Millennium Falcon?

Posted by: Kevin McGehee at March 8, 2003 at 02:16 PM

The Millenium Falcon clearly has two penises in front. Representing Han Solo's hyper-masculinity. Ditto the hyper-drive. Although Han Solo fears accidentally bouncing through a black hole, so he apparently also has issues with his sexuality.

Ditto the fact that Han Solo is chased by Jabba, wiho is obviously a giant penis. Clearly, Han Solo also is fleeing homosexuality. His relationship with Leia obviously invokes a strong amount of denial. But Han is far more sophisticated and cosmopolitan, and obviously more likely to understand that human sexuality is a spectrum, so is perhaps the archetype of the bisexual male fleeing his subconscious gay urges.

The Jawas are really gerbils. What more do you need to know?

Posted by: Dean Esmay at March 9, 2003 at 12:00 AM

Um, Dean, I'm sure you're absolutely right and all that, but what about the Ewoks? Are they not gerbils, too? Or perhaps tiny beavers?

Posted by: Ken Summers at March 9, 2003 at 11:43 AM

Great bounding Jehosaphat on a rubber coated fire engine. DO THEY EVER STOP?

What IS it with the so called gay "community?" It seems as if their entire existence is dedicated to not merely obtaining "tolerance" for their sexual activities, but to a desperate effort to retroactively fabricate some sort of deep social relevance for their pet deviancy. It's not enough to be left alone to do their thing, oh no; it's not enough to even obtain social acceptance or even politically correct promotion. They have to be culturally important, too. Society and even history MUST be rewritten so that they are deep in the thick of things, right at the center of all the activity and attention.
They're not "equal rights activists," they're pathetic attention hogs-- whose sense of self-worth is wrapped up in being "special," even if they're only "special" because they pork each other up the ass. They only feel normal (aka "important") so long as the entire world is paying attention to their fetish, and they can't cope with the fact that they're just not all that important to society in the first place.

News flash: if you can't cope with being ignored out on the fringe, don't go there in the first place. And quit trying to hide from the fact that you're NOT normal by pretending that the entire world is secretly exactly like you.

Posted by: RHJunior at March 10, 2003 at 02:49 AM

Gee, RH, and all this time I thought the site was a satire. May I suggest you cut down to one pot of coffee per hour?

Posted by: Andrea Harris at March 10, 2003 at 02:57 AM