February 23, 2003

The Deadliest Meme

Max Sawicky, lefty blogger Who Is Better Than You extraordinaire, made a double whammy of a mistake. Not only did he think that it would be insulting to call Glenn Reynolds, Steven Den Beste, Andrew Sullivan, and Charles Johnson "the Four Horsemen of the Ablogalypse" -- something that backfired (see this post for more) -- he gave Jane Galt the oh-she's-just-a-girl male chauvinist treatment more thoroughly than any conservative male ever could. Joanne Jacobs commented here:

I think this four horseman thing is horribly sexist. Sawicky patronizes Jane Galt as stupid but nice, not worthy of the righteous bile of the left. She can be just as ablogalyptic as the lads.

Therefore, I have decided to help out. Therefore, I present to you, the
Furies*, as slightly altered by moi:

(click for larger)

(Joanne Jacobs is the one in the back supporting the wounded figure of Liberalism, Michele is Michele of A Small Victory, and Leftism is the poor sap they are hounding to madness for his grievous assault on Liberalism.)

Via Dailypundit and Sean Kirby. Check out Glenn Reynolds' response too.

*Update: I just realized that I made a mistake there. I had orignally wanted to use a picture of the Three Fates, but I couldn't find one I liked. So I went with the Furies. But when I typed this up, I typed in "The Three Fates" instead of "The Furies."

Posted by Andrea Harris at February 23, 2003 12:23 AM

Looks like a polygamist's nightmare of divorce court.

Posted by: Eric Pobirs at February 23, 2003 at 01:03 AM

I think Caravaggio's 'Judith Beheading Holofernes would be ideal... But that's just me. :)

Posted by: Craig Ranapia at February 23, 2003 at 01:14 AM

I've got a picture of that too somewhere, but this one fitted with my theme more.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at February 23, 2003 at 01:17 AM

Before this, I was amazed that I could finally see double once my diabetes kicked in...
But what have we here?

Posted by: Daniel McAndrew at February 23, 2003 at 01:46 AM

It's especially important for leftists to revile the morals of libertarians and conservatives, and to label them as idiots whenever they can slip it over on an unreflective audience. These are the only tactics remaining to the representatives of an ideology that's seen all its ideas crash and burn on the proving grounds of reality.

Jane Galt, a.k.a. Megan McArdle, could give Mr. Sawicky 50 IQ points and still take him with one cerebral lobe tied behind her back. Of course, if Michele Catalano got to him first, there wouldn't be much left for Jane to fence with.

Posted by: Francis W. Porretto at February 23, 2003 at 07:56 AM

Man, if you got us together with the four horsemen of the ablogalypse, we could rule the world.

Posted by: michele at February 23, 2003 at 08:57 AM

I notice the female figures in the painting seem to bee screaming and the male is covering his ears. hmm.

Posted by: Dean Douthat at February 23, 2003 at 09:04 AM

Ah, Sawicky....your tax dollars at work.

Posted by: Tacitus at February 23, 2003 at 09:37 AM

I'd wager it's rather difficult to maxspeak with both feet stuffed into his pie hole

Posted by: D Mills at February 23, 2003 at 09:46 AM

Too funny!

Posted by: Lynn S at February 23, 2003 at 10:04 AM

Heeeyyyy, waitaminnit!! Where's Rachel??

Posted by: Ravin' Dave at February 23, 2003 at 10:05 AM

Rachel can be 'The Lone Biker of the Ablogalypse.'

Wow, that's really hard to spell.

Posted by: George at February 23, 2003 at 10:30 AM

Heh heh.

Max got beat up by a girl.

Posted by: Ken Summers at February 23, 2003 at 12:15 PM

Unfortunately, Rachel has decided to take a sabbatical from her anti-idiotarian duties for the time being.

Posted by: Mark B. at February 23, 2003 at 12:19 PM

Very nice!

Posted by: Ith at February 23, 2003 at 03:04 PM

Of course, if you wanted to be all authentic and stuff, you'd have to play with the relative sizes of the furies here, 'cause I've met Jane and Joanne, and there's about a foot difference in height. And I've heard that Michele has big pointy teeth.

Posted by: Steve at February 23, 2003 at 03:24 PM

Hey, Steve, I'm not that short! (Unless Jane Galt is more than 6 feet tall.)

The contest for Whore of Babylon could get . . . heated.

Posted by: Joanne Jacobs at February 23, 2003 at 04:07 PM

Actually, Ms. Jacobs, Jane Galt is 6' 2".

Posted by: John F. MacMichael at February 23, 2003 at 04:14 PM

Do you think the "Four Horsemen of the Ablogalypse" have understudies, alternates or reserves? It's always amusing that the right always seems to adopt lefty abuse as a badge of pride: Tory, neo-conservative and 'dittohead' come to mind.

Posted by: Craig Ranapia at February 23, 2003 at 04:18 PM

I'm the Whore of Blog-y-lon, and have the non-photoshopped evidence to prove it!

Posted by: Craig Ranapia at February 23, 2003 at 04:21 PM

What the Four Horsemen have is the bloggers' equivalent of "The Mystery Men." For example, I'm the Horseman of Unsightly Nose Hair.

Posted by: Kevin McGehee at February 23, 2003 at 05:10 PM


Posted by: Jack Rich at February 23, 2003 at 07:21 PM

Andrea, I've never considered myself a warblogger, which is why I left the road open for you and Michele to jump onto the Horsemen meme.

But you know, a Fury I can be. Count me in, sweetie.

And I don't need a theme, either. I can be furious for no reason at all, or for a reason so specific you need a microscope to pick it out.

Oh. And I've beaten up more than a few boys in my time, and I'm not counting my brothers.

Can we make him cry like a baby, you think?

Posted by: Meryl Yourish at February 23, 2003 at 07:30 PM

Although the Furies were very much and rightly feared by the wicked and guilty, there were only three Furies. I suggest that the Valkyries would be more appropriate since there were thousands of them, they wielded swords and spears, were brave and BEAUTIFUL, were deadly in battle, immortal and were to stand by Odin, the Vanir and the Aesir against the Frost Giants, Loki and his children and their allies at Ragnarok. Now that would make a lefty wuss wet his underwear.

Posted by: Gary M Kitts at February 23, 2003 at 07:46 PM

According to the painting the Left has killed it's mother(liberalism) but assures the world that everything's okay because Progressivism(played by Apollo: God of poetry and enlightenment who presided over Sparta) ordered him to do it. Yet he cannot be forgiven because he has breached the most ancient law of nature(No Matricide Please!) and so must be handed over to the ancient terrors that drive men mad with terror and torment.


So Clytemnestra and Orestes have been cast. Who plays the part of Agammemnon and Aegysthus? Is Agammemnon Liberty and Aegysthus Capitalism?

So Liberalism (Clytemnestra) sides with Industrial Capitalism(Aegysthus) and betrays liberty(Agammemnon) at his homecoming because he caused his daughter the Nuclear Family(Iphegenaia) to be sacrificed to Feminism(Artemis the twin sister of Apollo who is eternally a virgin and runs around nekkid with a bow in the woods) to enable the wind to carry his troops into battle with Old World Colonial Empire(Troy).

ASIDE [The wind BTW wouldn't blow because an eagle(symbol of Zeus) killed a deer(protected by Artemis) which pissed off Feminsim for some reason and she punished dad(Supreme power) by not letting the Greeks ride out and sack Troy and get Helen back until she got a human sacrifice.

That war was necessary BTW the result of a divine beauty contest gone bad.]

Thus Leftism(Orestes) prompted by the embodiment of the supposedly historically inevitable spirit of "reason" and progress(Apollo) is moved to slay Liberalism(Clytemnestra) and Capitalism(Aegysthus) and does so. But slaying yer momma is a crime agaist both Human Nature and the psyche and the Earth(Gaia I guess) EVEN if a divinity like Progressive Reasoning (Apollo) should command it.

Vengeance, Jealousy, and Restlessness (Tsiphone, Megaera, and Alecto respectively) are unleashed and pursue Leftism(Orestes) across the Earth. All of mankind thinks Leftism(Orestes) mad and cannot see the invisible attackers who drink his blood and whisper to him allowing him no solace. They only see him running around frothing at the mouth yelling and waving his arms around. This makes for bad politics and cost him the throne of Mycenea.

Finally Progressive Thought(Apollo) sends Leftism(Orestes) the the Temple of Justice(played by Athena the principal goddes of Athens) and when Leftism(Orestes) arrives there he demands that Vengeance, Jealousy, and Restlessness (Tsiphone, Megaera, and Alecto) quit harrying Leftism on pain of the application of divine wrath.

The furies say "Bring it" which prompts a concerned Spirit of Legal Justice to appear and offer her services to both parties who are chouting about "the bomb" in her lovely tastefully decorated temple on such a warm Mediteranean summer night.

Justice(Athena) who is naturally the half sister of Progressive Thought(Apollo) by Zeus(the supreme being who rules all) agrees to mediate and summons World Opinion(tweleve Athenian elders) to judge who is right and who is wrong.

Vengeance Jealousy and Restlesness(the Furies) make their case eloquently. They assert that they are owed the life and suffering of leftism(Orestes) because he has violated laws older than even the Supreme Being(Zeus) and slain his own mother. If they are denied their duty then Justice(Athena) will be seen as subservient to Progressive Thought(Apollo) by the World(Athenia twelve) and mankind will become entirely lawless and will not even obey the gods.

Leftism(Orestes) makes his own case that men should do what Progressive Thought(Apollo) tells them to and that since he was ordered to kill Liberalism(Clytemnestra) he had no choice.

"It's not fair!" he whines because he was damned if he did(wrath of furies) and damned if he didn't(wrath of Apollo). Leftism reveals that he only acted as a mindless agent of Progressivism's will and thus is immune from all responsibility.

"Take your grievances to Progressivism not me! I'm just a pious man who does what the gods command! I am blameless! "

The Furies announce that this doesn't concern them much less hold water. He is Guilty of a crime against nature which is older than thought and which ruled the universe even before the father of the current ruler of the Gods was made king of creation via castration politics. Leftism IS personally responsible. Nothing can be done and no excuse can be made. Nature has it's ugly duty to crush those who engage in Matricide. Progressivism should stand his glorious and divinely shining butt aside and Justice should be able to understand their motivation.

Apollo then steps in and somberly announces that it is the Male who create life and the mother is merely an interchangeable "device" to carry it and rear it. (No doubt there is much female eye rolling in the courtroom at this point. In fact since the temple is built upon Gaia (the Earth ) who bore the father of all her children as a son with NO MALE involvement AT ALL one can presume that the whole Earth beneath mankind's feet is rolling it's eyes at the astounding ignorance of Nature displayed by Progressive Thought.

Patricide, argues Progressivism, is certainly bad since it targets the true creator of life but Matricide can be ordered by gods if they are of the stature of Progressive Thought.

Progressivism concludes by announcing that if the twelve find against him him will quite literally destroy Athens, the court, and with it man's undertanding of justice. Wow. now that's reason. You can't really debate with that can ya?
"Don't make me angry sis!You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"

Athena(Justice), sensing no good end can come to all this bickering, chooses what she sees as the lesser evil. She proposes a deal.

She sells out. Yes. You heard me. "Justice" bows to Progressive Thought and buys off the enforcers of the SUDDENLY TERRBLE AND UNACCEPTABLE ancient traditional law against matricide. Isn't she flexible ladies and gentlemen. Look at her limbo!

Orestes is to be let go and allowed to rule Mycenea. The Furies will be compensated for their lost prey, soiled honor, and shattered duty. Hence forth they be honored among the gods in the city of Athens and known as the Eumenides which means "kindly ones". Good kitty! Here's bowl of cream and some cat nip. Later we'll play with mousy and I'll rub your little furry belly! Aren't you a fierce little kitty! Yes you are! Yes you are!Purr Purr Purr\!.

Yup. To make fun of James Burke's summarization skills:

Liberalism shacks up with Industrial Capitalism and murders Classical Liberty in revenge for the sacrifice of the Nuclear Family to Feminism to enable the overthrow Old World Empire. This is casus belli for Progressive Thought.

Leftism guided by Progressive Thought kills Liberalism and is cursed by it which offends Natural Traditional law which asserts that it is older than reason.

Leftism is chased through the world and refuses any personal responsibility for anything, and miraculously gets away with it all by having Progressive Thought subvert via threat of force both Justice itself and the World Opinion and by buying off the personified wrath reserved for those who go against Nature.

Sad ending huh? Liberty never get's brought back or avenged and neither do Liberalism or Industrial Capitalism or the Nuclear family. Both Divine and Natural Justice are left sullied and bribed or cowed. But it fits the leftist plan and satisfies the shining embodiment of Progressivism nicely.

No wonder they call them tragedies. :)

So among you bloggers who's Megaera, who's Tisiphone, and which one is Alecto?

Carry on Euminides! ("Kindly Ones").

But please be aware that by using this nifty moniker you make yourself vulnerable to a vile and dirty joke for were not the furies counted among the daughters of Uranus? :)

G'night everybody! I'll be here all week! Drive safe! God I love the Catskills!

Posted by: Emery Calame at February 23, 2003 at 08:16 PM

I'm not in a Greek Tragedy kind of mood. I think I want to be the whore of Babylon.

Posted by: michele at February 23, 2003 at 08:21 PM

Valyries BTW were not always Beautiful(except in comics and opera) but were rather terrifying riders of flying wolves who ate carrion. They scoured battle feilds and judged the dead as worthy or cowards.

They carried the bravest of warriors to the hall of the Worthy(Valhalla) where they drink and fight and are reborn each day in preparation for the last battle. The worthy but not quite perfect went to the Hall fo Freya(Sessrunner) where they were comforted, healed, and fed wondrous foods and allowed a measure of peace. Often both types were taken from the battlefield in pieces.

Some said thatValkyries wove entails into cloth and used skulls to weight the threads. They cast cauldrons of blood down where battles would occur and rowed ships through rivers of blood falling from the sky.

The rest of the slain were left to find their way to Hel, the cold mist shrouded land were cowardly dead were sent to dwell. There they would serve as thralls to Loki's daughter and spend thieir free time building a great warship called Naglefar out of their own bones, teeth, and finger nails. It was said that they would crew this ship in the last battle.

Valyries were horrible for normal men to look on except heroes thought that they were beautiful and welcomed them to observe their fighting valor and the bravery with which they sought death in battle.

Valkyrie names and other unfromation from Google:





Mist (Mist), Skeggjold (Ax Time), Skogul (Savagery), Susan (Horse Rider), Hilde (Shield), Thrud (Strength...a daughter of Thor), Hlokk (Shrieking), Herfjotur (Host Binding),Geirahod (Spear Bearer), Randgrid (Shield Bearer), Radgrid, Reginleif, Gunn (Battle), Rota(Dunno), Brunhilde(Brown Shield), Krimhilde(white shield), Hrist (Rumbling, Goll (Roaring). Skuld also road with the Valyries being the younger aspect of the Norns(Fates. All were daughters of Odin except for Skuld and Freya who was Captain of the Valkyries. When there are no battles they serve mead to the dead in Valhalla.

They all seem to be sort of an exceptionally warlike version of the "sevety two doe eyed virgins" promised to suicide bombers when they enter Muslim paradise and I think maybe it's not quite what female warbloggers want to be associated with.

But clearly it's not up to me. Fair warning though.

Posted by: Emery Calame at February 23, 2003 at 09:08 PM

Gary, two things:

1) Who says we have to go by the rules?

2) Are you talkin' to me?

Posted by: Meryl Yourish at February 23, 2003 at 09:14 PM

Who else thinks the male figure in the painting looks like Juan Gato?

Posted by: Dave Himrich at February 24, 2003 at 12:20 AM

Well, I've never met the man, so I can't say...

Posted by: Andrea Harris at February 24, 2003 at 12:45 AM

> other unfromation from Google:

Emery, is that intentional or just a delightful slip?

Posted by: K Parker at February 24, 2003 at 02:25 AM

Me no type good today. Uggh!

Also "valkyrie" is supposed to have a "K" in it according to all the books n' stuff.

I give myself an F- and promise to proof read at least a little of my text next time.

Posted by: Emery Calame at February 24, 2003 at 07:50 AM

I've now read the Max Sawicky post 4 times, and I still don't see a scintilla of sexism there. He doesn't include Jane Galt in with his "Four Horseman" because he thinks she's rational, gives good arguments, and avoids unjustified ad hominem attacks. Explain to me again how this is sexist?

He didn't say she was dumb. He said she made a stupid comment but usually she's thoughtful. Since when did being "nice" become a sexist charge? Unless you are so dead set on proving Sawicky's point that you think civil discourse is a sign of weakness that must be avoided.

"Geez, he thinks she's wrong but didn't call her a right-wing idotarian ablogalypse warmonger too of the great Satan. He must be sexist!" Again, huh? I guess PC really has taken over the world.

Posted by: Doug Turnbull at February 24, 2003 at 10:35 AM

Gee, Doug, wake up without a sense of humor this morning?

Besides, his post reeked of "look how cute the rightwing girl is, talking civilized just like a grownup" sentiment. I'd rather have some John Birch society troglodyte tell me to get back into the kitchen than deal with the mushy sexism of the left and its culture of patronization. At least the troglodyte is upfront and honest in his put-downs.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at February 24, 2003 at 11:37 AM

Ah, you wacky warbloggers, always playing the sexism card...

Posted by: Bryant at February 24, 2003 at 11:55 AM

A sphincter says what?

Posted by: Andrea Harris at February 24, 2003 at 11:58 AM

He didn't say what he did because she was a woman. He said that because he generally thinks she [i]is[/i] thoughtful. It's a compliment, and not backhanded at all! He had her permalinked for a long while.

Isn't seeing sexism where none exists the hallmark of a lefty?

Posted by: Adam at February 24, 2003 at 12:17 PM

I'm not sure if the picture reinforces the idea that Liberals get laid more often, or that they get beat up by half-naked women more. Either way, I'm a little tempted.

Posted by: David Perron at February 24, 2003 at 12:27 PM

I think the four horesemen schtick is amusing. I don't think calling someone a male chauvanist on thin to non-existent grounds is funny.

Actually, given that Max was much more blatantly condescending and dismissive towards Steven Green, seems like at best you could accuse Max of being generally misanthropic, but certainly not sexist.

Posted by: Doug Turnbull at February 24, 2003 at 01:05 PM

I think he is. You aren't changing my mind. I have already explained why I think he and many other "liberals" are sexist. That is all I have to say on the matter. Any more will just be me repeating myself.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at February 24, 2003 at 02:48 PM

Dear Meryl,

What rules? And yes, I was talking to you in a general sense, I suppose. I have enjoyed your posts from the left coast on the public demonstrations of gross and wicked stupidity. Keep up the good work and with your intelligence and morality, be whatever you want to be. Thanks, The Olde Kat.

Posted by: Gary Kitts at February 24, 2003 at 04:12 PM

Man, if you got us together with the four horsemen of the ablogalypse, we could rule the world.

Sounds like a plan to me!

I'd like to be Kali the Destroyer, but my blog isn't nearly as entertaining. And I suppose the Morrigan is too esoteric.

Posted by: The Iconoclast at February 28, 2003 at 01:45 AM