February 11, 2003

Déjà vu all over again

I think one of the reasons I find the current antiwar imbroglios to be so frustrating to encounter is the fact that it's happened all before, and within recorded memory. Please read this essay by George Orwell (written, incidentally, when he was thirty-eight years old, only a year and a half younger than I am now), about H.G. Wells and the reaction of that literary celebrity and would-be social engineer to the phenomenon of Hitler, and then turn your attentions to any of the bloviations by the contemporary intellectual elite on the lack of threat posed by Saddam Hussein to the world. I especially like this bit:

A lifelong habit of thought stands between him and an understanding of Hitler’s power.

Mr Wells, like Dickens, belongs to the non-military middle class. The thunder of guns, the jingle of spurs, the catch in the throat when the old flag goes by, leave him manifestly cold. He has an invincible hatred of the fighting, hunting, swashbuckling side of life, symbolised in all his early books by a violent propaganda against horses.

The device of people getting stuck in an endlessly repeating loop of events is supposed to be one of the more shopworn clichés of science fiction, but I have noticed that it is in fact an all too real part of existence. That does not make me very happy.

(Via Horsefeathers.)

Update: I snipped the quote -- I needed less of it than I first thought to make my point.

Posted by Andrea Harris at February 11, 2003 11:24 PM

In the History Repeats Itself Department, we are in the midst of the second Nixon administration, in case you didn't notice. All the ghosts and demons from his administration have been exhumed and installed, with the odd inclusion of a Ronnie Reagan spook when a Nixon crony can't be dug up. To top it all off, we've got Ashcroft as the resurrected (which is appropriate since he lost his last electoctoral bid to a DEAD GUY) J. Edgar Hoover.

Don't misconstrue that as any commentary about the war itself, btw. This isn't Vietnam. This war is a mix of Vietnam and pre-WWI. I merely wish we had a better administration to go to war with.

Posted by: Yahmdallah at February 12, 2003 at 12:20 PM

Why does Word show some spelling silliness too late:

Of course I meant: "last electoral bid"

Posted by: Yahmdallah at February 12, 2003 at 12:21 PM

Thanks for highlighting that quote. Orwell really understood the elite liberal mind!

Posted by: Stephen Rittenberg at February 12, 2003 at 06:48 PM

More evidence that it's WWII all over again:


Posted by: Yehudit at February 15, 2003 at 02:25 PM