February 04, 2003

Politically Incorrect Hobbit?

I meant to blog this tidbit about Sean Astin (a.k.a., Samwise the Brave, a.k.a. My Favorite Hobbit -- sure, Frodo is all that, but we all know he wouldn't have gotten anywhere without Sam) joining some President's Council to Help Children Do Something Or Other (read the press release). I remember thinking, "Ah! How nice for a change to see a Hollywood actor not treat the current administration as if it had cooties." Well, it looks like some tiny minds aren't too thrilled with Astin becoming a "tool of the man." And -- horror of horrors -- apparently Astin was in Washington last September 11th for "something concerning this." (Note to Tiny Mind: it was for the ceremony. Oh no! A prayer was said! Release the hounds!) Yeah, I remember how uncool concepts like "patriotism" were when I was a teenager too. Then I grew up.

(Big Arm Woman reminded me of this.)

Update: I wonder if this meeting with a Democrat group will get similar condemnation from the Tiny Minds? So does this person. We'll see.

Posted by Andrea Harris at February 4, 2003 11:49 AM