January 26, 2003

Murderers, Inc.

Take a good look at the guy in the photograph in this post -- the one clutching his notebook to his chest and trying to get the pile of human lard in the passenger seat to listen to him. Take a real good look, because he's probably dead now, along with his family. Thanks to the United Nations officials who did nothing as the Iraqi guards dragged the man away. It is obvious from the expression on the man's face that he had something very important to tell the UN officials, but they decided to "not get involved." I hope Saddam is paying them a lot.

When are we closing down that organization and putting that building in New York to some good use?

Update: Dipnut as more on this. Apparently CNN and other news agencies are whitewashing the story. Great.

And one more: an expanded commentary, with an extra picture of the man being dragged off, from Trojan Horseshoes. That is what oppression looks like, people.

Posted by Andrea Harris at January 26, 2003 12:31 PM

The UN building is so deteriorated it is of little value. Its rot parallels the decline of the UN. Tear it down before it falls down.

Posted by: Fred Boness at January 26, 2003 at 12:38 PM

I shudder to think of what has happened to that man since the photo was taken.

This is why I hate the U.N. They're not policemen or watchdogs. They're sackless bureaucrats. What really matters? Fixing the world's problems? No, what matters is making life easy for U.N. employees and officials.

It's amazing how much of the evil in the world can be blamed on bureaucrats. The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil, but I think the love of job security may be an even bigger root.

Posted by: Steve H. at January 26, 2003 at 12:47 PM

Thanks to our allies, the French and Germans, we'll be rid of the UN in less than a decade.

We will eventually THANK the Axis of Weasels.

Posted by: Gary Utter at January 26, 2003 at 12:55 PM

What's amazing is the poll results...many Americans oppose war in Iraq unless* the UN supports it, in which case they *support it. Why on earth?

Possibly this is the end point of liberal universalism...ie, the greater and more universal the pretensions of an organization, the more moral authority it has. Possibly also related psychologically to parent-image...that is, people who have been overprotected by their parents for many years are looking for an entity that will do the same thing.

Any other thoughts>

Posted by: David Foster at January 26, 2003 at 05:58 PM

Steve H...re your comment on bureaucrats:

"I like bats much better than bureaucrats. I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of "Admin." The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed, and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voice. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the offices of a thoroughly nasty business concern."

--C S Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"

Posted by: David Foster at January 26, 2003 at 06:03 PM

My take on it, courtesy of stripcreator.com:

Blix's Boys in "Humanitarians"

Posted by: BarCodeKing at January 26, 2003 at 07:43 PM

Heh heh, funny. I should use that Stripcreator thing one day.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at January 26, 2003 at 10:52 PM