January 19, 2003

Save the Children™

From a fate worse than death: being saved from oppression, torture, and starvation by the US. Because after all, everyone knows that the United States is really Mordor, and any compromise with the Land of Shadows leads to darkness, evil, and slavery! Juan Gato has the breakdown. Remember: the anti-US left wants to save The Children™ -- kind of the way other people collect and "save" butterflies.

Posted by Andrea Harris at January 19, 2003 11:52 AM

Sounds like an article on Greens I read and posted about on my blog (called it Mean & Green). Same thing, people are bad, technology is bad, the more of us that die the better for the "Earth". Scary stuff.

Posted by: Ith at January 19, 2003 at 03:01 PM