January 05, 2003

I am the ruler of all I survey

Create your own country at Jennifer Government: NationStates. (Caveat: this website is slow. Via Ith.)

Posted by Andrea Harris at January 5, 2003 10:01 PM

wow. word is slow to reach the blogospere. livejournalers actually brought this site down with their frenetic activity.

i lost my husband to Jennifer Nationstates.

it's true.

of course, my country, "Stringent Bondage" is no longer a psychotic dictatorship, but a corrupt one. i'd say that's a step up! hey, i didn't force them all to walk around naked, DID I?

Posted by: chris at January 6, 2003 at 10:50 AM

It's very slow. I click then go do soemthing else, come back to it. But it is fun! I was addicted to the game "Outpost" way back when, so I was glad my roommate told me about this site.

Posted by: Ith at January 6, 2003 at 02:31 PM

I can't speak for other bloggers, but I tend to find neat stuff years after everyone else has gotten tired of it. Oh hey! I've just discovered this whole other part of the internet, which is kind of like email but not really, and it's text-based and it's full of fights and discussions... what is it called... Usenet! That's it.

(Just kidding. I never really got into newsgroups.)

Posted by: Andrea Harris at January 6, 2003 at 02:47 PM