January 03, 2003

I was a Grade-Z Movie Star

Sure, Viggo Mortenson has made some silly statements and worn the "No Blood For Oil" t-shirt and so on. But he was also in Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III. Everything in perspective. (Gee, I hope I haven't ruined anyone's enjoyment of his role in LOTR.)

Posted by Andrea Harris at January 3, 2003 03:25 AM

If that's enough to ruin someone's enjoyment of the films, they had better stay away from Peter Jackson's other films. "Bad Taste" was, "Dead Alive" ends with a room full of zombies and a lawnmower, and "Meet the Feebles" is... different.

Posted by: Robert Crawford at January 3, 2003 at 08:51 AM

Meet the Feebles is the greatest movie ever made!

And let's not forget Viggo's chilling role as Satan in The Prophecy... "I could lay you out and fill your mouth with your mother's feces... or we could talk." Heh...

Posted by: Dennis Moore at January 3, 2003 at 09:57 AM

Just a little nitpick to Robert: Dead Alive (aka Braindead outside the USA) actually ends with the most disgusting Freudian image I've ever seen in my life.

But awesome, awesome movie all around. And by awesome, I mean "vomit-inducing".

Posted by: Dave at January 3, 2003 at 02:06 PM

Yes, it's all true, FWIW. But what's really scary is Viggo starring opposite Demi "I can so act, really" Moore in the (thankfully) box office uber-flop G.I. Jane. The blood runs cold at the mere thought.

Posted by: David Jaroslav at January 5, 2003 at 01:19 AM